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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2009 in all areas

  1. You're*. Owned.
    4 points
  2. I went to the catholic school and got to see it first hand and I still don't beleieve. It's just something people use to be grateful for. If a man is rich it's because of god but if a man is poor, it's because god wants him that way. You can swing religion anyway possible. It's funny how more violence has been shed because of religion because there is so many adaptations on what god is. What if the terrorists are right and god does not like America? What happens if Jesus 2.0 comes down and gangs up on Americans? Do Americans stop believing in god? I respect everyones decision on what they choose because that's whats great about living. You pick what you can do and sometimes you can't pick much in some countries but you can choose and if you want to pray every Sunday thinking that will make death and luck so much better than I respect that people care that much.
    3 points
  3. Two things I would like to clear up. 1) Christian scientists, theologians, archeologists, and many others are constantly studying the Bible. People are always breaking it down, trying to learn more about it every single day. Your horrid misconception that all Christians just take it as it is and don't bother to learn more about it is laughable. 2.) You guys disregard the Bible as a bunch of "stories", as if they were passed down from word of mouth from one to another. This could not be farther than the truth. The scribes who made copies of the manuscripts for others took extreme care when writing it down. If they made even just one mistake, they would destroy the entire document and start over. This is a good read for you guys, but I get the feeling that you won't read it, or will just discard it because of the url. Just a small tidbit, there's a lot more here. http://bible.org/article/how-accurate-bible
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Anyone who says "lol at" is a joke. Enough said.
    1 point
  6. The Earth is older than than the bible say it is easily. Dinosaurs alone prove that the Bible's age of the Earth is wrong. Scientists also actually study the rock, know where they find it, all that other good stuff. All religious texts make up some bull and expect people to believe it.
    1 point
  7. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704322004574477021697942920.html?mod=WSJ_hpp_RIGHTTopCarousel Oh, no, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are such angels. The liberal media will do anything to shove [expletive] down your throat.
    1 point
  8. Evolution wasnt invented by humans, it was discovered by humans through research
    1 point
  9. damn. im sorry man. hope your car gets fixed edit: "brand new", that was completely uncalled for. i'm starting to see why everyone hates lakers fans.
    1 point
  10. Does anyone notice Yankee fans also bandwagon other teams like the Lakers, Tarheels, Cowboys, Manchester United, etc.
    1 point
  11. crimes have nothing to do with anything, the fact of the matter is that religion is pretty much a fairy tale.
    1 point
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