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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/06/2009 in all areas

  1. LeBron and Dwight and all these guys need to stop acting like Joe Cool out here. These guys are all friendly off the court and that is fine. Kobe is probably a fun enough guy off the court too, but on the court it's business. Do we see Kobe dancing around? Do we see Kobe messing around? No, these guys (Lakers) are on a mission and the Cavs looks like they are out there 'playing around'. As much of a Kobe hater I might be these guys need to adopt Kobe's swagger and realize that you can't be friends on the court as well as off, you gotta be out there playing to win, on the court it is business, there is no room for dancing around especially when it compromises the integrity of the game. As if winning as much as they did wasn't humiliating enough anyways. What I like most about this all though is that Noah, who let's face it is nothing much more than a glorified role player at best, had the grapefruits to say something to LeBron. That comment by LeBron was one of the most douche bag comments he probably could have said, good to see Noah took the high road because there is nothing he can say or do that will help his case or anything, especially in the media lol. No LeBron, I think he was actually mad about your dancing and not his play.
    2 points
  2. It is only cheating if you get caught, if you dont then it is a smart play.
    2 points
  3. http://image2.linkinn.com/userfile/pictures_0908/Image/Dont_Miss_herShe_Is_Really_Hot_Kim_kardashian_4.jpg I think he'll be ok...
    2 points
  4. When I go to the Sixers game Monday night.
    1 point
  5. His arm was down. Not even close to being indisputable.
    1 point
  6. I agree that a player can be considered a bust because of injury, especially younger players. No matter which side of the fence you are on i think it is safe to say that we all agree the biggest part of determining if a player is a bust or not is their development in the NBA. If a player is constantly injured then they cannot properly develop which in turn creates a bust. And there are numerous things that can control the players development that are out of that players control, lets say... coaching staff not training the person properly. While we the fans may not hear of this being the problem for the player, if they did not reach expectations then many people would consider him a bust. This is a terrible example you give because these are two completely different situations. For one if he signed this extension that would mean we would have at least saw 6 years of him and his abilities unhindered in the NBA which as you mentioned got the Heat a title. For two are you talking about a one time injury, not something reoccurring (being injured that is). For three lets consider that he did come out of the injury a completely different man and starting playing worse then Marko Jaric. This would not be a bust (because of reason one), this would be a "should'a been" player AKA Grant Hill, a player who we saw reach franchise player level in the NBA then because of injury could no longer play like his former self. Like it or not that one title Miami won would have been worth a number 1 draft pick. So in order for a player to be considered a bust they must be one because of their own accord? Oden was playing okay basketball on a team that has been improving with or without him. Im not sure why you are comparing the game play of these two guys. When uninjured Oden puts up 11-8 and when uninjured Bynum puts up 20-10. These a huge difference in play there and while they are both bigs who have suffered injuries their play is nothing comparable. Has Oden EVER exceeded expectations? 11-8 average over 18 games in his third seasons... is that exceeding expectations? Is there any reason for us to think that he will really improve or even be healthy enough to improve? I Dunno... i smell a bust bustier then big bust bust. BTW, Kwame Brown put up 11 - 7.5 in his third season in the NBA, much like Oden. See, i hate that people have made Oden out to be something he is not. This started before he even played his first NBA game. People would place him up with the great bigs of this era and consider him an all star and this BS has been going on since after first injury, before draft, after draft, after second injury, after surgery and after third injury. There is absolutely NOTHING this person has done in the NBA to warrant situational comparisons to Wade, Bynum or any other great player that has proven themselves in the NBA.
    1 point
  7. Tebow shouldn't be crying though. He's won 2 national titles. If it were McCoy who's been at the doorstep of winning a ring his whole career then fine I've got no problem with it. Tim's got 2 he's got nothing to cry about. Take the loss like a champ. Someone was finally better than them this year.
    1 point
  8. Hell yeah. Now that people are off Jennings' nuts, they could see who the real ROY should be.
    1 point
  9. not surprised, seahawks would be foolish to not pick up holmgren. He got them to the sb a few years ago, which they should have won, but refs called the game.
    1 point
  10. I called it all year long, but no one listens to me. The SEC isn't that good this year. After Alabama and Florida, there is no one else. Everyone else is average. Florida struggled against some weaker teams, and played a HORRIBLE OOC schedule. I knew they weren't #1 material, but I got put down every week. Well now it is my turn to say HA! Florida has been extremely overrated all year.
    1 point
  11. lol yeah. we are like the swine flu, just wont go away and our team is killing.
    1 point
  12. Welcome to Miami Reggie. See you in the Wildcat.
    1 point
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