HOV you are forgetting the most important thing and that is called LEGACY. All of these players are striving to be one of the all time greatest, they would look like complete fools if they jumped from team to team, they want to be able to say I led or helped lead this franchise to that and thats where my identity is. Do you think Michael Jordan would have been as succesful, or at least half as well known as he is today if he jumped from team to team looking for rings (not that he needed to)? Every great player has an identity, for MJ its the Bulls, Magic its the Lakers, Duncan its the Spurs, Iverson its the Sixers, etc. Not to mention, one year deals are only guaranteed for one year (obviously). You can sign a 7 year deal, be guaranteed top dollar for every season, and not have to worry about the free agent process every summer. Going from team to team is a very stupid idea, and no offense I dont know how anyone could believe thats a good idea lol.