Why should we appreciate anything? LeBron never acknowledged Cleveland. Always talked about putting Akron on the map. NEVER told the owner that he was leaving. Rather, he had his agent notify Gilbert mere minutes after his ESPN show began. This guy never did what he promised, and is sad enough to humiliate the entire city on live TV with staged questions and a guy who he paid host the show. Calling us "that city" less than a day after leaving, partying it up, recruiting more in a few days than in 7 years here, noticeably going through the motions in the playoffs, and giving disgusting comments in the post game conferences about how he spoils himself. He's all about him. After Game 6, he said he and "his team" will go over everything for this summer's free agency. What a joke. Nothing about getting back next year and bouncing back, or how mad he is that we didn't accomplish the goal. Just how excited he is to leave. Worst of all, shooting the left handed free throw. His elbow's fine now of course. And even worse, quitting in the final minutes of Game 6 and shoving it in our faces.