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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2010 in Posts

  1. You gotta do that thing you kno what im sayin
    2 points
  2. Wade isn't but it's odd how he wants to play with stars considering he won a title as the sole star. Bosh is a baby and his comments about Toronto are rude and annoying. LeBron is Prince James and apparently was acting the past 7 years as we see who he really is. They are all boys. Just watch their party in Miami. And what they did was pretty bad. I mean you have Bosh and James taking cheap shots at their former teams all summer. James is even isolating Cleveland and trying to make a war. That's how desperate they are for media attention. They all haven't shut up yet so it remains bad. Are they bad boys of the NBA? No. They are superstars. Lights, Cameras, Glamor. They live for the starlight, not basketball.
    1 point
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