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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2010 in all areas

  1. Good for Oklahoma. It should be English. Three years ago, when I got my job with an oil refinery, I had to sit through a two-hour long test. I was one of the last people to grab a seat, and I got one right next to a translator and the illegal trying to get a job. He was illegal because he didn't understand, through speech or reading, a single word of English. The translator read every single question to him in Spanish, and he answered it. All in my ear, the entire two hours. Ironically, it was another who caused a reactor to blow up a few weeks ago because he didn't understand specific directions. If you know anything about oil refineries, you know they are the most dangerous places in the world. Had that reactor blew up near one of the many oil tanks, the entire refinery would've blew, and it takes our entire town with it, plus 10-15 miles in all directions outside of city limits (everything within 10 miles of the refinery literally melts, damage outside of that caused by the explosion). From just that one reactor blowing in the ammonia plant, it caused a boom that rattled windows 10 miles away...had people running out of the school across the street from me, looking east and praying it wasn't the Coop (that's what the refinery is called). Come to the US, learn English. Have your papers. Get a driver's license and a social security number. The people born in this country have to. It's bad enough that big-name factories and companies are hiring illegals to work for minimum wage (and sometimes less) just because they are twice as cheap, and they do it because they split rent and utilities with five others in the same house. Pretty ridiculous.
    3 points
  2. http://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2010/10/12/1746218/brett-favre-vikings-jets-monday-pics-interception-twitter-twitpics
    2 points
  3. First of all, that's stupid. People pay taxes for that very reason, and that's the end of that discussion. If a chick was hiding in her closet, close to being murdered, and she phoned the police, should they ignore it if she didn't pay her "police fee" (if that existed)? What if there was a baby in that fire? People need to do the right thing, sometimes going beyond what they are told to do. When I was 15, I had a diabetic seizure in a grocery store. A cashier ran to grab some honey, gave it to my mom to use in between my cheeks to bring my sugars back up. Didn't pay for the bottle of honey. If that bottle was $75, I'm sure it wouldn't have mattered...and if so, it would've been paid for AFTER it was used. They stop the fire immediately, and if they are still heartless, they can charge the family $75 after it's over with. That's more related to things like flood and fire insurance. Do you know what hospitals do? They have to accept you no matter what, insurance or nothing at all, empty pockets, whatever...and they bill you later. You come in there with a devastating injury, and they are required, by law, to treat you. Doesn't even have to be that big of an injury, either. Firefighters, police, and doctors/nurses in the ER...they are all required to do their job (or should be required to do so), no matter the situation.
    2 points
  4. If you're an immigrant and you come to be a permanent resident here, you should make an effort to learn the national language. Seems like a fair law to me.
    1 point
  5. NBA Games attended in your life: If a quiz is quizzical, whats a test?: Your dream place to live? You have 300,000$ and HAVE to buy 3 things, what are they? Favorite Color? Do you like Smirnoff? Favorite TV show: Favorite kind of movies:(ex. comedy, horror) Favorite sports game: You are forced to change your religion or find one, and it could be anyone apart from your own, what would you choose: Favorite staff member not named Real Deal: Main hobby? Republican or Democrat: Favorite menu item at any fast food place: Worst injury? How old were you when you got your license? Chess or Checkers? Biggest Bandwagoner on OTR? If you had to make a flag, what are the 3 colors you would choose: Most boring college course (or high school class) taken: Have you been sober @ school 100% of the time? Size of your HDTV? OTR's most annoying member? Furthest place you've traveled? What MP3 player do you have? Favorite member on OTR? What internet browser do you use? 3 brands of clothing you wear the most (ex DC, DGK, Fubu, Armani, etc): Dream job? Favorite genre/subgenre of music? Favorite internet meme? Player you have hated the most that has played for your team in any sport? Favorite card game? Most recently purchased console game? Favorite computer game of all time? You are allowed to make 2 changes at OTR, what are they? If you could appoint anyone to be a mod, who would it be(apart from yourself)? Have you been to jail? How many siblings do you have? You are allowed to change your first name, what would you choose? In your opinion, where do the prettiest girls come from (country or city works)? What foreign sport have you always been interested in (rugby, cricket, handball, Jai alai, etc.) Tic tacs or Gum Should Puerto Rico be the 51st state? When you turned 18/21 did you buy cigarettes/alcohol for the hell of it? 3 funniest OTR members? How many texts do you send on average a week? Favorite canned food? Black socks or white socks? If you were a sports player, what # jersey would you want?
    1 point
  6. lol...there isn't a need for a general football thread, this isn't the inactive baseball forum
    1 point
  7. There's a pretty good Spike Lee joint out there called "Do the Right Thing".
    1 point
  8. Lets end the game favre style, interception plz!
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. I started this a while back, actually...just never used it. http://i51.tinypic.com/2rdaozm.jpg
    1 point
  11. Was it over when the Gremans bombed Pearl Harbor?
    1 point
  12. Put girls underwear in his bed when you know his [expletive] is coming over. 70% of the time, it works all the time.
    1 point
  13. Talk to him but with a 40oz of malt liquor in ur right hand, step it up big man.
    1 point
  14. Nah. It would be different if it was Sports Illustrated.
    1 point
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