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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2010 in Posts

  1. Gotta love the Young Republican apologists in here who will blindly follow their party off the edge of a cliff. Absolutely inexcusable and sad. These kids have no idea what it's like to live in the real world, don't support themselves, etc etc etc. Their political views are those of extreme entitlement. I hope that when they are actually thrust in adulthood, that the real world takes a big, fat dump on them so that they can understand how completely idiotic they've been with their immature and shortsighted views on the world for so long. When all you can respond to this thread with is "The Democrat is worse" or "Obama is horrible"... you are drowning in bias. Take a look around with some objectivity, children. ::waits for Young Republicans to make excuses and deflect comments::
    2 points
  2. He never said he supported her. He just said Reid is worse. It''s kind of like how many people that voted for McCain didn't necessarily want to vote for him, but they just knew Obama was a bigger piece of crap. They vote for the smaller turd in this case.
    2 points
  3. Even though he's only about a third of the player he once was, KG is still the best defensive player on the Celtics without question. He still can lockdown most of the elite PF's in the league, and he is still an incredible help defender. Perkins is a very good, tough defender, but he doesn't offer anywhere near the versatility or energy that KG offers on a nightly basis.
    1 point
  4. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_QaoXYmq0WwQ/SV010l2OseI/AAAAAAAAAAc/bFXrO2jPrcU/s400/suit+up.jpg
    1 point
  5. You know you just described your typical Democrat right there, and not a Republican, especially with your "self entitlement" comment ? . Talk about a complete failure of a comment. I love how you say Republicans will follow their candidates off a cliff, but many of you deomocrats are just sheep following Obama. It is incredibly funny. I remember on CNN, FOX, and other channels when they asked people who they voted for, Republicans and Independents, no matter who they voted for, gave intelligent and good responses for who they voted for. Democrats on the other hand? "Oh, well, I want change, and Obama is going to bring that. Oh, and it's time we get a black president as well." . I don't really care if someone is a Republican candidate or not, but generally Democrats are the most clueless candidates out there. The perfect example is the community organizer in office right now that has lied about more things than Bush could imagine lying about, and shoved health-care down our throats, ILLEGALY! Sorry, but GTFO!
    1 point
  6. Can't really comment on anything other than this game, but it seems like he just isn't fitting in with the way that the Raptors are playing. He has always been more of a system guy that flourishes when shots are created for him and struggles when he is forced to create his own offense. The Raptors are playing 100% individual basketball right now and everybody is basically trying to take their own man off of the dribble, which doesn't suit Bargnani's game. He isn't the kind of player that you can give the ball to 20 feet away from the hoop and tell him to create something for himself. None of the Raptors are really capable of doing that. With Bosh gone, the Raptors don't have any inside presence offensively so teams don't have to worry about that, nor do they have to worry about sending any extra defensive attention to anybody which means Bargnani isn't getting the open looks that he used to get. He also isn't getting as many touches when the defense is scrambling trying to get back into position or are completely out of position, which is when he is able to create off of the bounce. Jack isn't really that good at creating for others, and Calderon isn't a creative enough playmaker either, so that, along with the limitations on guys like DeRozan, Weems and Barbosa as playmakers, are making the Raptors offense really stagnant and lethargic. Bargnani is at his best when the ball and the defense are constantly moving. As much as I'd like to blame the system, Bargnani hasn't looked all that interested or sharp either, both from what I saw tonight and have read after previous games. He simply has to play better whether the system best suits him or not. Triano did say that the last 4 games of the preseason is when he is going to really focus on tightening up the rotation, defining roles and running more offensive sets, so I'm not going to make any real assumptions until I'm able to watch those 4 games.
    1 point
  7. I'm gonna go ahead an bump this as I found one that is hilarious. Great flop by Amare! Diener is a badass now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm70Xw7zItY&feature=related
    1 point
  8. Top 10 Underrated (in no particular order) O.J. Mayo (If you you were to take him of the Grizzles and put him on a team that desperately needs a SG or take Zach Randolph or Rudy Gay away from Memphis this guy could possibly be an All-Star and easily put up 20 points a night.) Eric Gordan (I followed Gordan in college but never saw to much of him with the Clippers. But after watching him in the FIBA games I found out that he can really play. He can shot and he can slash, if the Clippers starting 5 can stay healthy and consistant they have a nice future with guys like Gordan, Griffin, and Kaman.) Kevin Love (Like Eric Gordan I don't really see much of Love during the regular season but during the FIBA tournament he was snagging boards left and right. He's a double double waiting to happen every night.) Luis Scola (Watch any Rockets game and he has a double double nearly every game.) Stephen Jackson (He's overlooked every year and should have been an All-Star last year IMO.) Andre Iguodala (He can score and has nice defense. He has All-Star potential, infact I wouldn't be surprised to see him in it this season.) Brook Lopez (He's a top 10 center and nearly averaged a double double a game last year.) Carl Landry (He's hardnose and tough. He can knock down long range shots, and can tear the rim down. As a Rocket fan I miss having this guy on our team) Kevin Martin (Now to the guy we traded Landry for Kevin Martin. I was kind of half and half with Martin at first but I'm confident he'll be a good fit with us. He's a pretty effiecent scorer with decent defense and if he can improve he could be an All-Star.) John Salmons (The Bucks wouldn't have even made the playoffs last year if it wasn't for Salmons. He's another guy who can score at will and if he can play this year the way he played late last year for the Bucks he can possibly be an All-Star As far as overrated goes I really think their is no overrated player in the NBA. Players can't be overrated but people can overrate players.
    1 point
  9. Tragic event and bad decision to not put it out, but the firefighters aren't to blame. You need to blame the source of the issue, which in the first place is what has the firefighters tied on a leash helpless to do anything without the consequence of losing their job holding them back. There shouldn't be a fee to begin with. Protection should be free no matter what, for what I hope are obvious reasons. Whoever made this idea for the fee and whoever was involved in putting it into place should be blamed for not seeing this through, ultimately leading to this event.
    1 point
  10. So then neither does yours lol because you haven't been through it either.
    1 point
  11. LMAO at you guys acting like you would put the fire out if you were there. If you guys were the firefighters you wouldn't gamble like that. Good luck for the town to find new firefighters? How about good luck to the firefighters to find new jobs? Those firefighters are people, and they care about themselves and their families, and they need to provide for their own family. It's easy for you guys to say they wouldn't have been fired, but if you were the firefighter would you really risk it? And LMAO at suggesting for them to just move and get another job. What a ridiculous and stupid thing to say. Firefighters are people too you know, moving and getting another job would be tough as hell, especially when considering this economy. Why would they want to go through all that trouble? Also, putting that fire out defeats the entire purpose of the fee. If they put that fire out, then why would anyone pay the fee when they know the firefighters will put the fire out anyway?
    1 point
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