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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2010 in Posts

  1. Ron Artest, Stephen Jackson and Jermaine O'Neal just lol'd at the [expletive]gotry.
    1 point
  2. It's called trying to give a different opinion to create discussion.
    1 point
  3. So because someone gains weight after going to a major division one program he becomes a juicer. Great logic.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Haha fine, save the house, possibly get fired, move elsewhere, if you have family, then put your own family in a very tough situation, and find another job. Great and easy call indeed. Family or not you would be putting yourself into a tough situation, and the first person I think about is me. Call me selfish, a prick, whatever. Don't care. I'm not going to risk my job over someone who "forgot" to pay the fee. If they made exceptions then no one would pay the fee, which obviously isn't what the city wants. And Lkr once again, there is still that possibility they could be fired or fined or something. And I'm sure you would love to take that risk, and if fired, move to another city and look for a job. What if they don't hire you? What would you do then? Real Deal, I'm sure most people can't relate as well as you could to those people. If you would save the house, then great for you. Most people would not however save that house, and it's hard to say you 100% would unless you were in that situation. It's always easy to say you will do something until you are actually put into that situation. I still don't see why most people here are attacking the firefighters and not the actual law. These people have a job where their life is on the line a good amount of the time, and I find it pathetic you guys are sitting on your computers badmouthing them. I'm not saying they are gods and amazing people or anything, but calling them pathetic is well, pathetic.
    1 point
  6. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_QaoXYmq0WwQ/SV010l2OseI/AAAAAAAAAAc/bFXrO2jPrcU/s400/suit+up.jpg
    1 point
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