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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2010 in Posts
The simple fact that someone took all of your guys' hard work, that's it. Nothing else. OTR only gives back to me by providing me with discussion and knowledge. I actually lose time and money doing it, just like someone trying to get rich would. Nearly six years has gone by, and I've seen nothing from it, and never will. It doesn't compare. Nope, didn't care. Made that decision off the wall one day, and already had it up and preparing it for everyone a couple of days later. I told Harry one day that I didn't even want to be on staff at JBB anymore, and that he should be glad he's not. I didn't want anything to do with sites at one point, until Dee, Erin and Jesse were getting hated on (sexually and racially) in AIM chats by a couple of JBB staff members. There was no dream, no goal, no nothing. No relation whatsoever to getting rich. You can't say that because it's an inaccurate statement. Those paralyzed may believe they will walk again, but nothing they do guarantees it. Chances are pretty slim to none for a lot of people in that position. I actually hope everyone reads the following, even though it's a book. Setting your mind to something doesn't mean it'll happen. You expect someone to, say, continue their dream of inventing something valuable to all of us, but at some point, they are going to need to focus on their well-being, their family, and that takes a paycheck. Nobody in their right mind is going to live a lonely life, mooching off of others and not doing anything to get by, just to try and invent something and avoid holding down a full-time job. Someone I know (a landlord) has numerous houses. I'll relate it to one of your own comments from earlier. Let's just say he makes $10k a month on rent, $120k a year. In eight years, he'll have a million? No, because he's probably spending at least $60k a year just living and providing for his family, maybe more than that. Double that 8.3 years and you get nearly 17. Also, he has taxes to pay on his houses, along with repairs/maintenance every year if he's a good landlord (he owns the houses, you don't). He also has to pay off his loans. He didn't steal 15-20 houses for free...some cost anywhere between $50k to $150k in my area. That 17 years turns into many, many more. Dan (the landlord I know) is in his mid-40s, has been doing this since he was in his 20s, and he's definitely not rich. He's still paying on a couple of his houses. People that live in this fantasy land don't realize what it's like to be down and out. People can definitely recover, but it takes a long time, and things rarely change. When I say down and out, I'm not talking about not having money to buy an ESPN magazine until Friday, I'm talking about things like having to work on the weekends despite having major spinal cord surgery (my dad), designing sites and staring at a computer despite having one eye patched and the other blurry, needing to blow up text 4x larger just to read it (me). Unfortunate events get in the way, and that's life. However, even without those unfortunate events, it's extremely difficult to get rich. There are families that go years without having a major situation to tend to, but while this guy wishes he was the CEO of the production factory he works for, he needs the manual labor because, without it, he has no money for a house, a car, food, gas, or anything. Most everyone doesn't get rich because life happens. Nobody ever turns down the opportunity, and not even crackheads give up trying to make as much money as they can. People end up realizing that they have to stop living through their dreams and start living for themselves, their family and even others around them. There's a guy I went to high school with, almost 10 years ago, that is still trying to rap and make money. Most everyone I know thinks he's just a bum sitting in a studio his dad bought him when he was 17, not working and still living with his parents, no girlfriend. Why do we think that? Because it's true. He's actually a decent rapper, but as stated over and over again, life is eventually going to consume him, or else he's going to be 17 for the rest of that life. Right now, it would be nice to be rich. I'd pay everything off...my house, my car, my medical bills, maybe go overseas and try to get an artificial lens implanted (in clinical trials right now). But, at some point, it hit me that it's not going to happen, and that I need to start providing for myself and for my girlfriend immediately, and helping out my parents (mainly my dad) in the process. How about you tell us, in just one sentence, what will make you rich. It shouldn't take more than one sentence. I just want to know what you're going to sell, invent, or manage, and how many years you think it'll take. Nothing more. You'll keep preaching how anything can be accomplished as long as we set our minds to it, but that's a parent talking to their young and naive kids. A parent dreams their kids become bigger than they are, so they will feed them BS to make both parties feel comfortable and confident. I spent years of my life (and still do to this day) working on my game (basketball). I took 300 shots a night, every night, for months at a time, and would dribble in the basement for hours when it was cold outside, go to the gym and just work out and shoot the ball, shoot free throws, do defensive slides, all outside of school. It never turned me into a potential Division I college basketball player, skill-wise. I believe I'm pretty good, but not to that level, and I know I've reached my peak, 110% sure of it, even though I still work on my game to this day. Still go out to the park, nearly every day, and shoot the ball and play pick-up games. Not everyone can be rich. Not everyone has that opportunity. You need to try and find a way to meet people that are far, far less fortunate than you or the average person...young adults that grew up struggling, little education, then no money for college and maybe one parent to feed them and push them to get a job at McDonald's. Maybe he's no super freak of an athlete, has no rap skills...just a typical human, like most of us, but in an extremely binding situation that, really, he has to live for and live with. There may be a couple of people on here that relate to exactly what I said, too. If ANYONE on this site knows about dreams crashing down and people struggling in general, it's me. My diabetes didn't seem to exist at one point, I was so wrapped up in making money, becoming an excellent basketball player, staying up late for college, and riding my financial wave through fantasy land. I needed to save up what I could to get my education, and part of the resolution was to not buy as much insulin and test strips (talking hundreds of dollars a month) or eat the right foods (more hundreds), so I was skipping shots and not testing my blood sugars often. I won't need to tell you the result of that once again. Set the bar too high, and you'll be walking under it the rest of your life. I'm honestly done talking about it. I'm sure everyone else will be as well.6 points
You guys are wrong, the 2-3 months I was banned. I followed Snake's logic and his well said thoughts. I never ever flinch anymore and with that power, I made over 200,000 dollars in the last couple of months. If you dont flinch, you show power and get money.5 points
It really is absurd. To pinpoint just a few BILLIONAIRES who happened to drop out of college....keep in mind, Dell took the high school equivency test at EIGHT and Gates went to an exclusive high school and scored a 1590 out of 1600 on his SAT's before enrolling at HARVARD....is ridiculous. First off, we're not talking about the ridiculously wealthy billionaires. We are talking about approximately the 250K range, who supposedly aren't well-off enough to afford basic necesseties and some luxory even after taxes. Most of them are not business owners, and are a part of the working class in a high-paying field. MB's generalizations of both classes is absolutely disgusting, and while he does have impressive knowledge on the subject, he's wayyyyy overdoing the whole entrepreneur thing.3 points
Let me give you a dose of reality, to show you how absolutely ignorant your words are right now. I graduated high school with a 4.0 GPA, absolutely obliterated the COMPASS test by scoring perfect on both the math and English (writing essay and skills) sections (the test was required for our college), dove into two years of community college and left for UNM after that. While I was in school (HS and college), I was ranked the top trumpet player in the state of Kansas for two years. I had a free ride with a music scholarship, free ride for my grades. Got an art scholarship as well, and won a poetry contest as a senior in high school to win another. My mindset was to stand on a pile of money by getting into computer programming and writing software for a big company, such as Microsoft. Things changed in my life, but my focus never did, at least for years. Came back to Kansas and got a job at a refinery as a systems analyst, and got an offer to become an inspector, making more than enough money and having a chance to be shipped off to a much larger company out on the east coast. Woke up blind in both eyes, dream ruined. Now I'm in major debt, I'm 27 years old and I have one eye. I will never get to inspect at an oil refinery because of the dangerous chemicals involved that could ruin my other eye. Playing a trumpet, even though it would never make me money, is impossible due to the sensitive blood vessels in my eye. Getting loans for ANYTHING? Impossible, and you'd know that once you see my credit report, due to all of my medical bills. Couldn't work for two years because, at one point, there was no way I was going to get the surgeries needed without Medicaid. The surgeries, everything I've gone through, and the way I had to recover and the meds I had to take...I now have high blood pressure, along with my diabetes. So let me turn this into something you should relate to: you are in your 20's. You aren't rich. Everyone wants to be rich, or extremely wealthy, or have enough money to live comfortably. People do anything necessary for money. You claim all it takes is to be focused and to be determined, and to believe? Bull[expletive]. You're dead wrong. Ask a single mother with two kids how much she will do to provide for them, and then ask yourself why she's still struggling. How many billionaires do you know, personally? None? Just one? There are 1,011 in the world that are said to have $1 billion or more in investable assets, out of almost 7 billion people. You really think you'll be one just by what you think you can achieve in life? You're saying that a thousand people just needed the right mindset, and the rest didn't try hard enough? You're full of it, dude.2 points
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I think I'm going to be rich. My mind is made up, guys. Before, I didn't want to be...but now? Yep...gonna get it done, not going to stop until I get rich.2 points
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It's funny how Yankee haters come into the gameday thread and troll the crap out of it. Stop trying to stir up controversy and actually post about the baseball game. One game at a time, we focus on today, then focus on Game 6 on Friday.1 point
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You are completely and utterly delusional. Hit me up in 20 years when you're making the average American salary, or in bankrupcy because you're business venture fell flat on its face like most businesses do. Then tell me the 'I think I can' mentality will turn the average Joe into a millionaire. (directed at Snake)1 point
LOL I love how Snake makes becoming rich sound so easy, like we can just wake up tomorrow and say "I think I'll be rich today" trust be if it was that easy, everyone would be rich.1 point
then he took his sun glasses off and we realized it was just Monta being Monta mayne http://a0.twimg.com/profile_images/1138168528/40991_460596854782_555804782_6467932_1189368_n.jpghttp://www.warriorsworld.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Monta-Ellis.jpg1 point
I watched almost every game I possibly could of him last year at Kentucky, and I knew he'd be a great player. But I'm still in shock, he's such an extraordinary player, especially watching him live in person. I think him being around guys like Gilbert, Kirk, Flip, and Sam Cassell will help him tremendously throughout his career. I think he fits the mold of a Rondo type player (with more potential) than a Derrick Rose. I think John already has Derrick beat on a few things- court vision, speed, and defense. He's going to be a top 3 defensive PG real soon, and will probably be near the top in APG. He's also a decent scorer, his jumper looks solid, obviously it needs a ton of work, but I like the mechanics of his shot and have been saying this since I saw him first play at Kentucky, his work ethic and dedication to the game will make him an above average jump shooter. In 2 years or so, we will be hearing John's name being mentioned with the likes of Paul and Williams.1 point
OMG. Stop bringing up the fact that Gates, Allen, Jobs, and Dell dropped out of college. Most college drop outs don't [expletive]ing become billionaires. Sorry to bust your bubble. And PLEASE link me to the study that shows you have a higher chance of being rich if you drop out. (MB) I guarantee that 1) you just pulled that out of your [expletive], or 2) it isn't from a credible source.1 point
This reminds me of in 2k11 where certain pairs of Jordans give you +3 speed or +3 mid range shot.1 point
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When will America start voting for people who actually make sense? [expletive] Republicans and Democrats.1 point
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Rockets are going to miss the playoffs is a bad enough prediction but on top of that you are going to have us be 7 games behind the Amare less Suns?1 point
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