Nope. I'll say whatever the [expletive] I want, and if you don't like it, good...I hope my words eat at you and each post I make gets you more and more steamed. I hope I offend you. I hope you hate me. I love it. For this specific case, donate it to one of those anti-bullying campaigns so there can be more done to teach kids from an early age the harmfulness of verbal abuse. But, I don't think there should be money donated at all. I can't believe people are actually up in arms over this. She's a [expletive]in grown ass woman. If she can't handle being mocked by a couple MIDDLE SCHOOLERS, that is [expletive]ing pathetic. For her to be getting half a million dollars for it is even more pathetic. Shit happens every damn day that is so much worse than this, and I ain't even talking about things as extreme as murder. Small example from my life...when I was 13 I saved my mom's life because she overdosed in front of me and I helped revive her then drove her to the hospital. What did she say a week later? "You should have let me die." Hearing that from your mom at 13 years old is awful and something you never forget, and it has stuck with me my entire life. That is worse and more traumatic than being an old lady getting made fun of by a few early teens, yet I don't expect sympathy and definitely not money. Especially with all the stories I've heard in my life from other people who have gone through truly insane scenarios, accepted what happened, fought through the struggle and came out stronger in the end. Shit like that is a part of life. Things happen to every one that is [expletive]ed up and probably deserves sympathy. Every day kids and adults alike are verbally abused in far worse and more traumatic ways than this lady was. Every day there are senseless murders, rapes, robberies, and other serious crimes commited in which people look the other way, and a lot of them don't even make the papers, blogs, youtube, or whatever. However, this is a cute old lady and it was put on youtube, so people are ignorantly acting like this is so horrible, offensive, out of the norm, or whatever. I can see people adding comments expressing their disgust and hatred towards the kids responsible for hurting her feelings, but for her to actually profit off this is ridiculous considering how this is such a meaningless and unextreme event in which she wasn't even physically assaulted and her life wasn't put in serious danger. SHE'S JUST A GROWN WOMAN WHO WAS MADE FUN OF BY MIDDLE SCHOOLERS!!! IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL!!! As for what I said at the end of my post, it was extreme, and in retrospect it is NOT her fault and I am NOT mad at her. I am mad at how ridiculously stupid the reactions are from everyone else. So, I somewhat regret saying it as that is not on her shoulders, although I am very glad I pissed Jenneral off...[expletive]ing [expletive]got.