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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2012 in all areas

  1. Perhaps you could explain to me why you continue to sarcastically use the phrase "religion of peace" when you know very well (through common sense and through the number of times I have explained) that Islam does not allow violence in this situation, cursing (ever), misinformation, among other things that occurred past the first five minutes that I watched. Whether or not it's the case, it seems like you try to get a rise out of certain people on here with that phrase. You know very well that for every sad story like this that gets spread to vilify Islam, there are numerous ones that obviously don't get much recognition, yet you continue to attach these sorts of occurrences to the label of Islam. The fact that parents raise their kids in such a manner to be in this sort of company at such a young age is shameful and disgusting. I've never seen anything of the sort in my community or in nearby communities. I'm a part of multiple youth groups, and we devote hours to community service, sports, and education. Religion of peace.
    4 points
  2. Can't wait. http://i.imgur.com/9iZT6.gif
    2 points
  3. I love how they want so much in return for a Gasol. This dude is completely worthless on a team that has no chance to compete. He will not play to his full ability.
    2 points
  4. I like the background design and the lights look pretty cool too. The 10 outline to the right of him I'm not a fan of. Kind of hard to see the one.
    1 point
  5. What happened to the German mast race this afternoon? Now Football ‏@Now__Football Balotelli: "When I score, I don't celebrate because it's my job. When a postman delivers letters, does he celebrate? Balotelli never fails to entertain.
    1 point
  6. http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/575036_473027879392408_135625833_n.jpg
    1 point
  7. it's sick. although the new uploaded made it better, i still think you should use the sharpen tool near the render to really make the effects stand out more. otherwise it's nice!
    1 point
  8. Same here. Why would you waste your time with a flopper, tt8..? No offense, just wondering.
    1 point
  9. the faded jersey in the back is to distracting to me, the lines and gradients are nice and smooth and that jersey just the texture on it is throwing me off. But overall it is still a good start. good job.
    1 point
  10. Breaking news: Every team in the league is interested in moving up in the draft.
    1 point
  11. And his average defense, sub par efficiency numbers, and ball stopping ability. He's not worth trading for, not in the least bit.
    1 point
  12. I just don't see why Miami doesn't go after guys like Camby, Kwame Brown, Nazr, etc. Seems there are plenty of quality bigs out there, and I don't think Ray Allen is as much as an upgrade as everyone thinks. Is he a better player than Battier/Miller? Well Miller of course, but Battier is a better and more versatile defender (would Allen have been taking plays on KD?), and a very quality spot up shooter, which is 100% the role Allen will be relegated to. Do I think Allen is a bad fit? No, not at all. But he is absolutely the last thing the Heat need IMO. There are plenty of quality, big bodied centers the Heat should be focusing their attention on. Your logic is "yeah well Bosh worked at center, so we can get by on it", well why doesn't that logic apply to your shooters? Especially when they are the reason the Heat spanked OKC in that closeout game, as we all know. Would way rather see them use their 3M exception (or part of it) on a guy like Nazr, Hawes, Camby, etc. Instead, they are gonna waste it on Ray Allen, and then what? Pick up Diop, Battie, Magloire or some other stiff big man like they do every year?
    1 point
  13. It would just be so dumb to potentially sacrifice a nearly guaranteed finals appearance because of financial reasons. Cross that bridge when you get there. People act like Harden is expiring this summer when he isn't. Besides, if they are going to deal someone off, it shouldn't be him, it should be Ibaka. If people think Harden is overrated, then what the hell is Ibaka? Are the Thunder supposed to just keep repeating this cycle everytime a player gets good? What happens in 3 years if Beal pans out? Trade him off? Stupid. If Harden and Ibaka are both going to be getting 8 figures a year, I would be choosing to give those 8 figures to Harden 10 times out of 10.
    1 point
  14. I'd rather keep all of those picks than trade them for Rudy Gay.
    1 point
  15. Much better quality. If I didn't dislike Blake Griffin I would probably use it
    1 point
  16. played basketball at the ymca i belong to tonight, and i was playing pretty well, i went up for a layup and some dude came outta nowhere like 6'4" 210 lbs and nailed my thumb against the bottom of the backboard. it hurt at first, but i was more concerned and pissed that he blocked my shot. 5 minutes later, looked down and my entire thumb is covered in blood. i was like WTF...lol it doesn't even hurt, and never really did hurt, but i'm just not sure how it started bleeding in the first place. like he pushed my thumb against the bottom of the backboard, but it like he didn't 'cut' me, it was bleeding from under my nail... oh well i guess
    1 point
  17. they provoked them. btw, there really is no proof that they were "just holding signs," because the video is obviously biased. not saying that physical violence is justified. but you're right, they were "just holding signs." next time you go to an NBA game, take a sign that says "go back to africa" or better yet, "back of the bus *****" and tell me what happens, and tell me who pities you when said actions are taken against you. OH and one last point, about bias and in general, the video points out they are muslim, yet there is no proof of that. it was an ARAB convention. you don't have to be muslim if you're arabic. i should make a video that says christians are gay and then post a video of some random gay guy. he would have to be christian since he is a caucasian american!
    1 point
  18. "throwing shit at them for no reason" is my favorite part. because they weren't antagonizing the muslims or anything. you can go into detroit and yell racial slurs at people by all means, but it doesn't mean that they aren't going to react
    1 point
  19. Overall I like it. I think it could use a sleeker font though.
    1 point
  20. Nice "catch" by Dewayne Wise today: http://deadspin.com/5921597/the-greatest-trick-dewayne-wise-ever-pulled-was-convincing-the-world-he-caught-this-ball?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_twitter&utm_source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow
    1 point
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