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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2012 in Posts

  1. been bored lately so did a few covers to pass time http://www1.picturepush.com/photo/a/8773584/480/Custom-Covers/CJ2K-COVER.png http://www4.picturepush.com/photo/a/8729052/480/Custom-Covers/big-ben-cover.png
    1 point
  2. http://i.imgur.com/6oAIZ.jpg
    1 point
  3. http://i.imgur.com/Vvv0R.png
    1 point
  4. lol at people thinking 9/11 is some type of conspiracy. man that one always gets me smfh
    1 point
  5. Scared of wasting my time reading your posts, petrified
    1 point
  6. Lithuania played an Olympic tune-up game today against Iceland and while the numbers really don't matter considering it is Iceland (he did have 12/8 in 15 minutes I believe) check out this dunk he had.
    1 point
  7. Give you $5 to stop
    1 point
  8. Obviously I'm not, and I've heard this stuff even before this guys posted it. I remember this guy used to laugh at the stuff I posted before and right now he is posting similar stuff trying to warn the people. I obviously know a lot more about this crap but I don't want to waste my time posting it on here because you guys obviously do not want to talk about this type of stuff about the "curroption" around the world. You guys are just to naive and say "No that will never happen to me, or here" come on get serious our government doesn't care about us. We are just simply pawns for them and if you do not realized this well that is simply your very own fault. And if you're going to say well I have nice things, my daddy or mommy is rich and we have nice status. Well yea they will make you (general) work hard to get to these things but a day will come when they will take everything away and if you do not caution yourself it will be way to late. Now to education yourself here are some links to this proof. First off lets start of with wikipedia and just read the first sentance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VeriChip 2nd. http://epic.org/privacy/rfid/verichip.html (even more prof and they are genuine real website, making REAL LIFE claims, open you damn eyes) 3rd. (The motha[expletive]in company that makes them.) Note they even have a ONE EYE in their name. http://www.positiveidcorp.com/ (Welcome to the future, where you'll have no freedom.) 4th. (Now this is some christian website but they have some pretty good information on it and they even show you how it will be used in some chases) http://www.ridingthebeast.com/articles/verichip-implant/ 5th. (Here is how it looks like everything this is the how device they already have it made & ready to go) http://cq.cx/verichip.pl 6th http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/definition/VeriChip How much more information do you want. This is real life and it is going to happen if you like it or not, all they need is a huge world event for them to happen and you will accept the chip. Just like David Rockafeller said quoted him. If you think the government is on your side LMFAO yea right, they will rape you every second if you let this happen. Talked about me being closed minded. And if you think it stops here, you are WAY wrong there is a lot more and I mean a lot more do you guys have no clue about and never even heard about. So I ask myself why should I tell you? Edit: And yea I'm blindly believeing this guy ahaha. I could insult you with first class sheep saying but, I'm not like that I'm a good person that wants to help humanity and earth. But you guys are the ones that our to blind and fell to this media bullshit and they tell you how to think, how to walk, how to dress, what to eat, what to listen to. You just don't know it but you are living it. The world of materialism. All so you can "try" to be cool for absolutely nothing, becaue your coolness crap doesn't last long it's only a short term thing, that is what you do not realize.
    1 point
  9. Disappeared in the second half. Trade him to Boston for Paul Pierce.
    1 point
  10. http://i.imgur.com/xSf50.jpg
    1 point
  11. I wonder how many people want him to go to jail top be "rehabilitated". This guy deserves nothing except a few shots right to his head. However, before he gets the shots to the head, he should be tortured for weeks.
    1 point
  12. Yo, Fartman got his Durant piece on SLAMonline.com: http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s480x480/599760_4258477977528_759873530_n.jpg Props, Dariusz!!!
    1 point
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