We were never a pop family. Never intentionally kicked it and don't go out of my way to avoid it really. I loved root beer and still do, and can have one here and there but I just generally don't like the taste. I'll usually get it on dollar drink days at mcdons, but I hardly ever eat there so its kind of irrelevant. I absolutely hate coke and pepsi though.. it almost hurts my teeth its so sugary. Its almost like the equivalent to beer for me. I wouldn't drink beer if it didn't get me drunk, but there's the occasional time where it just tastes really nice when I want it... same thing with pop. The fact its bad for you is just a bonus. I hammer water, 3-4 bottles a day on average, nevermind if I am doing any activities. I love milk but my parents used to give us shit if we drink it all too fast lol. Shits expensive(ish)! Iunno I've always just liked water more than anything.. at a restaurant or anything I will just order water probably 90% of the time. People who drink loads of pop and bitch about their weight and stuff is a peeve of mine. I know there are worse things in the world that negatively affect your weight, but damn thats probably the easiest thing to cut out, so unnecessary.