I wouldn't say they make me look cool, no. How do they make me insecure, though? I don't get that. Insecure of what, exactly? An idiotic? You mean "and idiotic," correct? An only has seven homo's? AND only has seven homos? An it's not my fault? Your genetics are piece of shit? An you could never survive? You would die of like a piece of shit? http://oi40.tinypic.com/34xmbcw.jpg I'm glad I didn't decide to ban you just yet, lol. I like this idea of having to approve your posts, also. I needed to see how this was going to work, and you're the perfect lab rat for that, AND restricting others from changing their display names and profile info. Pretty fun. EDIT: What climate are you used to? Serious question, although I know the answer already, Asmir. Did you live in Balkana lake, or...? Are you a fish? I wouldn't be able to survive that...no way.