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Real Deal

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Everything posted by Real Deal

  1. I'll add the other games tonight. Sorry for being late on these, guys!
  2. COME ON GUYS! It doesn't take much to think of a couple of questions.
  3. http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/user/898-spexs He's a friend of mine, Zach Mitchell, who will eventually host our podcast. He's majoring in communications, and he also does play-by-play at our Red Ravens community college games (we are ranked #2 JUCO in the nation, by the way...haha). The guy knows his basketball, NBA and college...and he also has football and baseball knowledge. He's a fan of the Kansas Jayhawks, Oklahoma City Thunder, Chicago Bulls, and Larry Bird. My plan is...I want to start him off with an intro podcast, to get to know him better, with YOUR questions regarding the sport. As we progress, I'll be co-hosting with him, and hopefully, we can invite a few of you on via Skype (or whatever it takes). So, for the first run...leave 2-3 questions in this topic for him to answer, concerning college and NBA, and we'll see how this turns out for us.
  4. Almost seven years of NBA discussion, now taking a backseat. This is really weird.
  5. Sucks, man. I've been doing repairs on my house all day, no time for the games. I'm pissed.
  6. If the numbers are correct (the losses the owners are struggling to deal with every season), you do realize that the owners will actually lose less money, over the next two seasons, by NOT playing them, don't you? On the other hand, the players won't get a dime outside of what they make from shoe companies and TV, unless they find a place to play.
  7. It serves the same purpose, but basically can lead the court to believe that they aren't coming to a deal JUST SO they can pursue the anti-trust lawsuits. I'm pretty sure it makes sense. They had a professional talking about it on TV (can't remember who, if he was a lawyer or what), and then they had a lawyer talking about it on CNN, briefly. Both would know far more than all of us. They messed up. The truth is, even if they did decide to take the other route, it wouldn't matter. The players are willing to sit out up to two seasons, and assuming we could even toss that out the window...well, we know who will run out of money first. The owners are back to their 47%, and the players are uncertain and crossing their fingers. It was a huge mistake.
  8. That's the problem: they aren't going to decertify. They disbanded the union immediately, with the Notice of Disclaimer...which basically tells the court that they were done negotiating. This is a huge problem for the players...probably the biggest mistake they made, aside from not taking the 50/50 deal. I agree that the owners are trying to screw them over, and the players standing up for the future stars in the league is great and all...but in doing so, they may have screwed themselves over far more than they realize. If the court sees that they decided to disband the union immediately, rather than to decertify (needing approval from the union board, votes from the players, etc), Stern and the owners have more rope to hang them with.
  9. Yes, but there's no way that happens. The owners now have all of the leverage, and I don't see how the players think they can win a case against them, since they didn't decertify. EDIT: In other words, what BFT said. The owners won't give them the same deal. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Jordan and his little crew try and push for 43%. It was said that MJ was thinking 37%, at one point.
  10. I need two players for our banner. Andre Drummond and Harrison Barnes? Also...what do you think about the current board's layout, in regards to the forums in view? Do I need to expand the college basketball forum? Collapse the NBA a bit? Let me know what you guys think.
  11. I'm not so sure there's a fighter that can take out Velasquez right now. However, if anyone, it would be Dos Santos. And, man...I want Guida to win. I'm not a big fan of Henderson, don't know why. I think I just like Guida because he went toe-to-toe against one of my favorite fighters, Diego...and that was one of the best fights I've ever seen.
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