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Real Deal

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Everything posted by Real Deal

  1. http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/images/photos/001/169/264/2074026_crop_650x440.jpg?1301706395 http://www.themorningeyes.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/dennis-rodman.jpg
  2. 1996 Kobe http://www.slamonline.com/online/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/kobe_bryant_rookie.jpg Today's Kobe http://media.scpr.org/images/2011/10/04/Kobe-Bryant-Getty.jpg
  3. Wow, did anyone else see that confusion and grand slam? Pitcher and catcher's communication were terrible, they finally just threw up their hands, and the pitcher gave him one right down the middle, and it's out of the park. LOL, sorry...I don't watch much baseball at all, so I have no idea who the pitcher and catcher is for the Brewers.
  4. I'm considering turning OTR into college basketball territory for the rest of the year. We are getting absolutely murdered in search engine results, now that we have no news to discuss. I could expand the college basketball forum, somehow, have college basketball reps (which would take forever to create), and even have college bball players on our main banner.
  5. Nah, I agree. I think Punk will be in the title scene, but no way is his involvement with the angle over with. They just won't throw him into the current conspiracy angle because, quite frankly, he and Triple H are both faces at this point, and it's Vince who Punk really despises at the end of the day. Punk will be standing behind HHH when Vince returns and leads his conspiracy group, and funny enough, Punk will have to take sides.
  6. Yeah, it's shaping out to be that way...Punk being in the title scene at WM (whether he has it or not). Cena will wrestle The Rock. HHH will fight Vince for control of the WWE. Vince's farewell, forever, basically. After beating Show and Kane (when they return), Henry will run into Taker, and that will be the WM match-up. Either that, or Kane will eventually return with the mask, going ballistic on people, and Taker will come back and challenge him at WM. Henry will fight someone (crossing my fingers for a Lesnar or Goldberg return, but I wouldn't mind seeing Mason Ryan fight Henry, either). Could be Henry and Sheamus. Beth or Kelly will fight Kharma. Cody Rhodes will defend, if he has the strap at WM (or whoever has it, because the WWE wants to make the Intercontinental belt significant again).
  7. LMAO, I remember that kid, but are you sure that's Matt? I thought his name was Jeff Colborn, or Derek Williams, or Mark Fortin, or maybe Jin Yu. I wonder what Charles and Marianne would say about all this.
  8. He was trying to say exactly what he said: that Obama is the enemy of his own country. The President of the country he lives in. If Hank has a problem, he should pack up his guitar and his old ass music, jump on a donkey and ride to Mexico. Hitler an enemy, Obama an enemy. It's one plus one...not too hard to figure out. He doesn't have to say that Obama is a murderer, that wasn't the point...but, like always, you know that.
  9. If he puts Obama and Hitler in the same sentence, as a general comparison between two groups of people, and follows that up by calling Obama the enemy...UH, YEAH? Republicans will do anything to deny this one. Here's how they heard the comment... "It would. Be like? Hitler. Playing golf with Benjamin Netanyahu?" No compar'sn, ya'll, 'cus dere were 6 of them sentencers in one sentence.
  10. If Megatron has 16 touchdowns by Week 8 (he already has eight in the first four games), I'm picking him as the MVP. He'll be on pace to SHATTER Randy's record. He's already the best WR in the NFL, hands down, and he's really the biggest part of Detroit's 4-0 start (they are 2nd in the NFL in points, and they sure the hell aren't getting those points through their run game).
  11. That's exactly why the Raptors would be a much, much better team with a post threat. Hell, they shot the ball really well last season...not so much behind the three, of course, probably in the bottom five in 3PT shooting, but their overall field goal percentage was pretty good, IIRC. I can't say they would be a contender with that scoring threat down low, because Toronto was one of the worst defensive teams in the NBA (and by looking at their roster, you'd know why), but they could be in the better half of the league in scoring, maybe top ten, with someone that can give them at least 15-20 on the low block, open up the floor for the mid-range game, and collapse the defense for a three-point shooter they can bring in.
  12. http://www.poundexclaim.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/shraq.jpg
  13. I also have about 50,000 posts (or something like that, I guess I'll see right when I submit this, lol), so that helps quite a bit, haha. Either way, I can probably code it, maybe just by using part of IPB's code and refining it a bit (makes it much easier for me). So, give me some time, and I'll have something up in the next day or so. It would be awesome if we could actually use these rep points for something, but IPB has never had a fully-functional bookie system, and there's no way I'd be able to code one, unfortunately.
  14. Okay, most, lol. I'm still laughing at the decision to do an onside kick to start a game. I've never seen that before...but Haley said there have been ten of them in 10 years (guess I just don't watch enough football, although I do every weekend, haha).
  15. I don't think there's an option for that anywhere on the board, including in my AdminCP. I wonder if I could code it, though.
  16. They both suck. The Chiefs need to get Andrew Luck and fire Haley. Cassel has been overrated by Chiefs fans for quite some time now (I hear it all the time around here), and Haley acts like he had no idea what he's doing half the time.
  17. Missed the game, sadly (had a 3-on-3 bball tourney today), but I see the Raiders don't have anyone that can run the ball. OH WAIT, WE DO! I wonder if we know who that McFadden guy is. And I really wish we could get a new QB. I'm sick of Campbell...he's either going to pad his stats and throw picks, failing in the red zone, or he's going to throw for about 100 yards and do nothing. I miss Gannon so damn much. Would've been nice to have Aso this season, too...but what can I say that hasn't been stated already?
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