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Real Deal

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Everything posted by Real Deal

  1. Yes, 48% shooting is not efficient. And Kobe was passing the ball. The team (minus him) was 1-10 from three, and 22-55 (40%) from the floor. Efficient? Who all watched the game?
  2. I've worked with enough secure systems to know. The truth is, XBOX Live isn't shit compared to what Bank of America provides, and it's not like they haven't had issues in the past. Not only that, but every system has at least one human, and as long as that's put into play, there will always be an opening. Too many exploits, though. If someone really wanted Live down, and that person ALSO had the advanced knowledge (talking really advanced) OR the amount of money to pay someone else, it would be done.
  3. I can see edits, doesn't matter. Someone will see the post before you edit, they'll let me know, and I'll check the edit in the ACP. Why are you acting like you have no idea why I would give you the 60 days? You were already told a couple of times.
  4. Haha, yeah, Lakers fans have been asking this question all season long. We blow all of our big leads because of it. Shannon Brown is trash.
  5. I'm getting really sick and tired of Gasol's bullshit. That was an ignorant foul on Dirk at the end of the game...no idea why Gasol played him so tight, and I also have no clue why we were playing our two bigs, aside from trying to get the inbounds steal (and having Gasol steal the ball as well...please). Then, Gasol is too busy flopping his ass off to try and get a foul, so much that he loses the ball at the end of the game. LOL damn man...they just showed that last play by Gasol in slow-mo. He needs to stop playing like a sissy.
  6. I'm not sure why anyone is taking shots at Sony for this. I hope everyone realizes that there's absolutely no network, installation, website, etc. that is safe from hacking. None. If someone wanted Live down, it's down just like that, with the entire database stolen.
  7. I don't see Dirk act like that most of the time. That elbow was surprising to me. And Jason Terry is a fool. He should've let Odom throw that up with no contest.
  8. Pierce and KG seem to always have something ignorant to say. I don't know why he would. One comment, even considering what he said, isn't worth being suspended for.
  9. I'm pretty sure Hitler killed himself on April 30th, but maybe that's not considering the time zone.
  10. Blazers keeping him with a 4-year, $40 million contract? Wonder how legitimate that is.
  11. Fired up Google Earth, and went to look for his location. According to all of the news channels, he was in this area...maybe the huge blue mansion-like building with the walls? Or, those to the left and down? http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/223257_10150162948756653_502396652_7198430_8246286_n.jpg
  12. Those that weren't handed more posts, or didn't have their dates changed...it didn't happen because I had no proof of what you guys had before the hack. Using those archives, most of the members had profiles, or were shown in topics, or shown on friends' lists (with post counts), so it was necessary. To be fair, I can't just take anyone's word for it. If you guys can find your old profile, or something with your post count on it (or date joined), by using the web archive site... http://web.archive.org/web/20080802120844/www.otrbasketball.com/forums/index.php?showuser=1910
  13. Fox News...go figure. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/222744_10150162892566653_502396652_7197722_5565486_n.jpg Disrespectful bitches.
  14. What are the differences between an XBOX Live and a PSN account?
  15. Put up the Hawks forum, and re-designed the Nets a bit (removed the black). I'm noticing some weird spacing errors now, near the bottom of these forums, so I'll have to figure that out. I think, today, I'm going to just finish up all the banners, upload them all, and get that out of the way. Then, I'll code the actual forum colors, and get these done by Tuesday or Wednesday, so I can focus on the roster and draft pages.
  16. I just really need to see if Shaq is going to play at least half of these games. That will be huge for Boston.
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