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Real Deal

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Everything posted by Real Deal

  1. So, Cena draws money and is the face of an era that is obviously dying? I don't buy that as the reason to stick him above guys like Flair (who is the most hated heel in wrestling history) and anyone else on that list. Sting and Flair were the WCW. Those two literally put a federation on the map, something Cena wouldn't be able to do. I don't care how many wristbands and shirts Cena sells. The 10-12 wrestlers I named were ALL better in the ring, half (or more) better on the mic, had many more epic and historical battles/matches/rivalries, and fought in eras that would stick Cena into the Intercontinental champ division at the peak of his career. Top ten wrestler is out of reach, in my opinion, but someone can argue that he barely slides in there. Top five of all-time? That's insane. He'll never touch what at least five of those guys did throughout their careers, and I will state this over and over again because I watched wrestling religiously since I was six (back in 1989), and I've seen enough of Cena to say he doesn't even come close to those guys. Come on, though...Cena defeated Bradshaw (who should always be a tag team partner) and Edge (same) to get his first two WWE titles. He was in a storyline with Kevin Federline, and I'm pretty sure he also lost a match against him as well. He held the title for so long due to the fact that Vince had no talent to actually come in and take it away from him (other than Orton). For years, the WWE has been living off of Cena and Orton, and the quality of wrestling has taken a hit. Cena has been getting booed because it really is the same thing with him, every time he wrestles. His first boos were from fans thinking the same thing (actually saying it, if I remember right). By the time he was out of the Intercontinental title scene, all of the elite wrestlers were either too old to matter, or they had left the company. I stopped watching wrestling because of guys like Cena. His new storyline, with the mask...going to be awful. It was Hogan's only mistake of his career (Mr. America), but it has also been done over and over again by other wrestlers (ex. Brian Pillman), and Cena's roid-raged body makes it as obvious as Hogan's 24-inch super-tanned arms and golden mustache did. Jeff Hardy, Jack Swagger, Bradshaw, Guerrero, Sheamus, The Miz, Edge...how the [expletive] were any of these guys World/WWE champions, ever? I understand Cena winning it because he is a superstar among those guys, but over the last decade, Vince has seen his company hit rock bottom (no pun intended) a few times too many. He needs a miracle. If that means bringing in another reckless super-villain (like HHH was at one point) to generate hate and anger, or a D-X or NWO clone that's actually more legit than Nexus, or even a face that knows how to wrestle and is intimidating and generates excitement (like the Rock), so be it...but I don't see how Cena is the answer for anything right now, unless he's going to put someone over that's well-deserving of a title and potentially leaving a legacy that will be remembered 40 years later.
  2. Cena? Hogan Flair Rock Austin HHH HBK Hart Sting Undertaker Andre Savage Warrior No way.
  3. That's the group that Cena is feuding with, right? Just trying to get in on this a little.
  4. http://blogs.dallasobserver.com/sportatorium/Dirk%20Nowitzki%20-%20Eyes.jpg
  5. Well, most of that was due to what he did last season. Didn't Favre reach his INT total of 2009 by the third or fourth game of this year? I'm thinking if Favre stayed completely healthy, no Childress, and Rice was fine the entire year, he would be putting up better numbers and the Vikes wouldn't be in the hole they are in now. Harvin has been gimpy most of the season, too.
  6. BUMP! Loving the bold...but PLEASE ignore what I said about Carson Palmer.
  7. Well, if they are looking for someone that resembles James in the face, Iggy is the closest. http://ambasketball.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/PicImg_76ers_vs_Magic_c851.jpg Cover up his eyes. If his eyes weren't so slanted, it would be LeBron in that picture.
  8. I'm sure there are a lot. There are guys in the league that made basketball their lives before they reached the pros, and you really have to wonder if they even had a backup plan had they not had enough talent to make it to the next level.
  9. Cousins shot like Brandon Jennings again. He needs to play closer to the rim and stop missing those bunnies. He's got a lot of weight on him, but he doesn't know how to use it.
  10. Didn't see a second of this game, but I'm surprised that Utah is still rolling. I wonder if they will be able to maintain this play during the playoffs, though.
  11. Week 11: 10 pts Week 12: 10 pts Week 13: 11 pts Three-consecutive double-digit weeks. I've never done this good in a pick'em before, haha. Had to make up for that pathetic Week 10.
  12. Jennings sucks. He's not even injured, and he can't shoot worth a damn, even when he's wide open. Story of the year so far for the Bucks (that, and the fact that Salmons has been more of a bench player than a starter.
  13. I'm not sure when Romo has been really good, to be honest.
  14. It's obvious he's lying. There's no way Witten would really be against a trade to bring one of the best QB's in the game to Dallas, and neither would Jerry or anyone in uniform or in office.
  15. Should've never hugged Todd Haley at the end of the game yesterday.
  16. Pick N Roll Week 7 Predictions...get them in ASAP!

  17. Copy and paste the code below, filling in the blanks. All correct answers get you five points. No late entries accepted. If you don't turn yours in by the tip-off of the first game, you miss out, no exceptions. Wednesday, December 8th Denver @ Boston (ESPN) Winner: Leading rebounder: Washington @ Sacramento Winner: Player with the most threes made: Thursday, December 9th Boston @ Philadelphia (TNT) Winner: Leading scorer: Orlando @ Portland (TNT) Winner: Leading passer: Friday, December 10th LA Lakers @ Chicago (ESPN) Winner: Leading rebounder: Miami @ Golden State (ESPN) Winner: Leading scorer: Saturday, December 11th Utah @ Dallas Winner: Player with the most turnovers:
  18. I'd like to, but it's only fair I pull them all from one date. I had 30k posts before the hack (around 29,700), but my 2008 profile says 20k.
  19. THA RAIDDDAAAAZZZZ. This team is so unpredictable.
  20. Haha, yeah, I wasn't going to ask you guys. I'm guessing most don't even remember what they had before we were hacked.
  21. Well, it would be based on those profiles I found from mid-2008, and it would include only those who I've changed the registration dates for (which are basically all active here). Not much of a mess, really. It would help reflect our contributions here. I've noticed that some members now show that they've been here since 2005 or 2006, but they have very, very few posts...makes it seem like they've done little to nothing since registering five or six years ago.
  22. I think we can go ahead and add the old post counts, also. They won't be 100% accurate, but I can do my best.
  23. Xavier Henry is killing it in the starting five. I wonder how much longer Karl will want to put up with Smith.
  24. I swear on everything I screwed up two of my picks by accident, because I was using my iPhone to make sure I switched the Giants over the Redskins. For one, in every pick'em I've ever done, I've never bet against the Raiders when they play the Chargers or Chiefs. Ever. In fact, even against Denver, I've selected the Broncos over the Raiders because of our injuries, nothing more. I have no idea how, but I may have swiped something on the phone and selected the two teams to the left, in addition to the Giants (which was not accidental). It gave me the Chargers over the Raiders, and the [expletive]ing Colts over the Cowboys. I was excited because I thought I was going to come home to a 12-point night, but instead, I see a 10. Ridiculous.
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