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Real Deal

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Everything posted by Real Deal

  1. LA/BOSTON UnoCinco: 40 Cobb: 30 AllenIverson#1fan: 10 bigdog17k: 0 Confidence: 0 GuRu: 0 Hawks Fly High: 0 magicbalala245: 0 Sky: 0 SumtiNSpecial: 0 Sun Tzu: 0 deestillballin: -10 DaBron James: -30 FreeAgent: -30 Cleveland's Finest: -40 kingfish: -40 Shaliq: -40
  2. LA/PHOENIX bigdog17k: 30 ChosenOne: 30 Confidence: 30 Fish7718: 30 Hawks Fly High: 30 J E N: 30 SumtiNSpecial: 30 UnoCinco: 30 Prodigy: 20 Cleveland's Finest: 0 Cobb: 0 deestillballin: 0 Sun Tzu: 0 kingfish: -10 magicbalala245: -10 Jammin: -20 EastCoastNiner: -40
  3. ORLANDO/BOSTON Celtics3420: 30 Prodigy: 30 Cleveland's Finest: 0 Cobb: 0 Confidence: 0 deestillballin: 0 magicbalala245: 0 StoneyMaroney: 0 SumtiNSpecial: -10 bigdog17k: -20 ChosenOne: -20 DaBron James: -40
  4. ORLANDO/ATLANTA bigdog17k: 65 Fish7718: 65 Cleveland's Finest: 20 DaBron James: 20 Prodigy: 20 SumtiNSpecial: 20 Confidence: -10 Hawks Fly High: -10 Cobb: -20 Sun Tzu: -20
  5. PHOENIX/SAN ANTONIO Drizzy: 10 bigdog17k: -20 ChosenOne: -20 Cleveland's Finest: -20 Cobb: -20 deestillballin: -20 Prodigy: -20 Sun Tzu: -20 UnoCinco: -20 Confidence: -30 Dazed: -30 Legacy: -30 magicbalala245: -30 Fish7718: -40 SumtiNSpecial: -40
  6. LA/UTAH magicbalala245: 65 ChosenOne: 20 Cobb: 20 Confidence: 20 Dazed: 20 Drizzy: 20 Prodigy: 20 YugoRocketsFan: 20 bigdog17k: 10 Sun Tzu: 10 Cleveland's Finest: -10 deestillballin: -10 Legacy: -10 SumtiNSpecial: -10
  7. CLEVELAND/BOSTON Dash: 30 Legacy: 20 Drizzy: 0 Shaliq: 0 bigdog17k: -10 ChosenOne: -10 Cleveland's Finest: -10 deestillballin: -10 Lkr: -10 magicbalala245: -10 Prodigy: -10 StoneyMaroney: -10 SumtiNSpecial: -10 Cobb: -20 Sun Tzu: -20 UnoCinco: -20 Confidence: -40 Dazed: -40 YugoRocketsFan: -40
  8. BOSTON/MIAMI Prodigy: 30 SumtiNSpecial: 30 TheHutch: 30 StoneyMaroney: 20 Cleveland's Finest: 20 Confidence: 20 Dazed: 20 deestillballin: 20 magicbalala245: 20 Fish7718: 0 Flash: 0 SRV: 0 Sun Tzu: 0 Cobb: -10 Legacy: -20 DaBron James: -30 bigdog17k: -40 ChosenOne: -40
  9. PHOENIX/PORTLAND magicbalala245: 30 Sun Tzu: 10 bigdog17k: 0 Cleveland's Finest: 0 DaBron James: 0 StoneyMaroney: -10 ChosenOne: -10 Cobb: -10 Confidence: -10 Dazed: -10 deestillballin: -10 Fish7718: -10 Legacy: -10 Prodigy: -10 SumtiNSpecial: -10 TheHutch: -10
  10. DENVER/UTAH StoneyMaroney: 30 ChosenOne: 30 Legacy: 30 Prodigy: 30 SumtiNSpecial: 30 TheHutch: 30 Dazed: 20 Confidence: 0 DaBron James: 0 bigdog17k: -10 Fish7718: -10 magicbalala245: -10 Sun Tzu: -10 Cobb: -20 Cleveland's Finest: -20
  11. LA/OKLAHOMA CITY Sun Tzu: 85 Fish7718: 40 bigdog17k: 30 StoneyMaroney: 30 Cleveland's Finest: 30 Cobb: 30 Confidence: 30 Dazed: 30 deestillballin: 30 Legacy: 30 magicbalala245: 30 Prodigy: 30 SumtiNSpecial: 30 TheHutch: 30 ChosenOne: -10 DaBron James: -10
  12. ORLANDO/CHARLOTTE ChosenOne: 65 DaBron James: 65 Fish7718: 65 Hawks Fly High: 65 bigdog17k: 20 Cleveland's Finest: 20 Cobb: 20 Confidence: 20 Legacy: 20 Prodigy: 20 TheHutch: 20 Sun Tzu: 0 StoneyMaroney: -10 deestillballin: -10 magicbalala245: -10 SumtiNSpecial: -10 Dazed: -20
  13. DALLAS/SAN ANTONIO Fish7718: 40 magicbalala245: 40 TheHutch: 30 Confidence: 20 Sun Tzu: 20 bigdog17k: 0 ChosenOne: 0 Cleveland's Finest: 0 Cobb: 0 DaBron James: 0 Dazed: 0 deestillballin: 0 kingfish: 0 Prodigy: 0 SumtiNSpecial: 0 StoneyMaroney: -20 Legacy: -20
  14. CLEVELAND/CHICAGO Dazed: 75 magicbalala245: 75 Prodigy: 75 SumtiNSpecial: 75 Sun Tzu: 30 bigdog17k: 20 StoneyMaroney: 20 ChosenOne: 20 Cleveland's Finest: 20 Cobb: 20 Confidence: 20 Fish7718: 20 Legacy: 20 TheHutch: 20 DaBron James: -50
  15. ATLANTA/MILWAUKEE bigdog17k: 40 Prodigy: 40 Cleveland's Finest: 0 Dazed: 0 Fish7718: 0 Jenneral: 0 Legacy: 0 SumtiNSpecial: 0 Sun Tzu: 0 StoneyMaroney: -20 ChosenOne: -20 Cobb: -20 Confidence: -20 DaBron James: -20 Hawks Fly High: -20 magicbalala245: -20 TheHutch: -20
  16. We rebuilt OTR. Lost 600,000+ posts and a ton of registered members, but we didn't lose the name, and we regained the strongest part of the community. Thanks for the first year after our resurrection, and of course, the four years before that.
  17. Congrats to Prodigy for winning the 2010 Pick N Roll Playoff Challenge, with a final score of 275 points. Thanks for playing, everyone.
  18. ROUND-BY-ROUND WINNERS ---------- Round 1: Prodigy (215 PTS) Round 2: bigdog17k (45 PTS) Round 3: Prodigy (50 PTS) Round 4: UnoCinco (40 PTS) FINAL STANDINGS ---------- (eligibility requires 11/15 series completed) 1) Prodigy: 275 PTS (14 series) 2) Fish7718: 200 PTS (11 series) 3) magicbalala245: 170 PTS (14 series) 4) SumtiNSpecial: 125 PTS (15 series) 5) bigdog17k: 115 PTS (15 series) 6) Sun Tzu: 85 PTS (14 series) 7) Dazed: 65 PTS (11 series) 8) Confidence: 50 PTS (15 series) 9) ChosenOne: 35 PTS (13 series) 10) Legacy: 30 PTS (11 series) 11) Cleveland's Finest: 10 PTS (15 series) 12) Cobb: 0 PTS (15 series) 13) deestillballin: -20 PTS (11 series) 14) DaBron James: -95 PTS (11 series) ---------- TheHutch: 130 PTS (8 series) Hawks Fly High: 65 PTS (5 series) Celtics3420: 30 PTS (1 series) Dash: 30 PTS (1 series) Drizzy: 30 PTS (3 series) J E N: 30 PTS (1 series) StoneyMaroney: 30 PTS (10 series) UnoCinco: 30 PTS (4 series) AllenIverson#1fan: 10 PTS (1 series) Flash: 0 PTS (1 series) GuRu: 0 PTS (1 series) Jenneral: 0 PTS (1 series) Sky: 0 PTS (1 series) SRV: 0 PTS (1 series) Lkr: -10 PTS (1 series) Jammin: -20 PTS (1 series) YugoRocketsFan: -20 PTS (2 series) FreeAgent: -30 PTS (1 series) EastCoastNiner: -40 PTS (1 series) Shaliq: -40 PTS (2 series) kingfish: -50 PTS (3 series)
  19. FIRST ROUND TOTALS ---------- (eligibility requires a minimum of six series played) 1) Prodigy: 215 PTS 2) magicbalala245: 155 PTS 3) Fish7718: 145 PTS 4) SumtiNSpecial: 145 PTS 5) Sun Tzu: 135 PTS 6) TheHutch: 130 PTS 7) Dazed: 115 PTS 8) Confidence: 80 PTS 9) Cleveland's Finest: 70 PTS 10) bigdog17k: 60 PTS 11) Legacy: 50 PTS 12) StoneyMaroney: 40 PTS 13) ChosenOne: 35 PTS 14) Cobb: 10 PTS 15) DaBron James: -45 PTS ---------- Hawks Fly High: 45 PTS (ineligible) deestillballin: 30 PTS (ineligible) Flash: 0 PTS (ineligible) Jenneral: 0 PTS (ineligible) kingfish: 0 PTS (ineligible) SRV: 0 PTS (ineligible) bigdog17k (8): 40 | 20 | 0 | -10 | 30 | 20 | 0 | -40 ChosenOne (8): -20 | 20 | 0 | 30 | -10 | 65 | -10 | -40 Cleveland's Finest (8): 0 | 20 | 0 | -20 | 30 | 20 | 0 | 20 Cobb (8): -20 | 20 | 0 | -20 | 30 | 20 | -10 | -10 Confidence (8): -20 | 20 | 20 | 0 | 30 | 20 | -10 | 20 DaBron James (8): -20 | -50 | 0 | 0 | -10 | 65 | 0 | -30 Dazed (8): 0 | 75 | 0 | 20 | 30 | -20 | -10 | 20 deestillballin (5): 0 | 30 | -10 | -10 | 20 Fish7718 (8): 0 | 20 | 40 | -10 | 40 | 65 | -10 | 0 Flash (1): 0 Hawks Fly High (2): -20 | 65 Jenneral (1): 0 kingfish (1): 0 Legacy (8): 0 | 20 | -20 | 30 | 30 | 20 | -10 | -20 magicbalala245 (8): -20 | 75 | 40 | -10 | 30 | -10 | 30 | 20 Prodigy (8): 40 | 75 | 0 | 30 | 30 | 20 | -10 | 30 SRV (1): 0 StoneyMaroney (8): -20 | 20 | -20 | 30 | 30 | -10 | -10 | 20 SumtiNSpecial (8): 0 | 75 | 0 | 30 | 30 | -10 | -10 | 30 Sun Tzu (8): 0 | 30 | 20 | -10 | 85 | 0 | 10 | 0 TheHutch (8): -20 | 20 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 20 | -10 | 30 SECOND ROUND TOTALS ---------- (eligibility requires a minimum of three series played) 1) bigdog17k: 45 PTS 2) Drizzy: 30 PTS 3) magicbalala245: 25 PTS 4) Prodigy: 10 PTS 5) ChosenOne: -10 PTS 6) Cleveland's Finest: -20 PTS 7) Legacy: -20 PTS 8) Cobb: -40 PTS 9) deestillballin: -40 PTS 10) SumtiNSpecial: -40 PTS 11) Dazed: -50 PTS 12) Sun Tzu: -50 PTS 13) Confidence: -60 PTS ---------- Dash: 30 PTS (ineligible) Fish7718: 25 PTS (ineligible) DaBron James: 20 PTS (ineligible) Shaliq: 0 PTS (ineligible) Hawks Fly High: -10 PTS (ineligible) Lkr: -10 PTS (ineligible) StoneyMaroney: -10 PTS (ineligible) YugoRocketsFan: -20 PTS (ineligible) UnoCinco: -40 PTS (ineligible) bigdog17k (4): -10 | 10 | -20 | 65 ChosenOne (3): -10 | 20 | -20 Cleveland's Finest (4): -10 | -10 | -20 | 20 Cobb (4): -20 | 20 | -20 | -20 Confidence (4): -40 | 20 | -30 | -10 Dash (1): 30 DaBron James (1): 20 Dazed (3): -40 | 20 | -30 deestillballin (3): -10 | -10 | -20 Drizzy (3): 0 | 20 | 10 Fish7718 (2): -40 | 65 Hawks Fly High (1): -10 Legacy (3): 20 | -10 | -30 Lkr (1): -10 magicbalala245 (3): -10 | 65 | -30 Prodigy (4): -10 | 20 | -20 | 20 Shaliq (1): 0 StoneyMaroney (1): -10 SumtiNSpecial (4): -10 | -10 | -40 | 20 Sun Tzu (4): -20 | 10 | -20 | -20 UnoCinco (2): -20 | -20 YugoRocketsFan (2): -40 | 20 CONFERENCE FINALS TOTALS ---------- (eligibility requires both series played) 1) Prodigy: 50 PTS 2) Confidence: 30 PTS 3) SumtiNSpecial: 20 PTS 4) bigdog17k: 10 PTS 5) ChosenOne: 10 PTS 6) Cleveland's Finest: 0 PTS 7) Cobb: 0 PTS 8) deestillballin: 0 PTS 9) magicbalala245: -10 PTS ---------- Celtics3420: 30 PTS (ineligible) Fish7718: 30 PTS (ineligible) Hawks Fly High: 30 PTS (ineligible) J E N: 30 PTS (ineligible) UnoCinco: 30 PTS (ineligible) StoneyMaroney: 0 PTS (ineligible) Sun Tzu: 0 PTS (ineligible) kingfish: -10 PTS (ineligible) Jammin: -20 PTS (ineligible) DaBron James: -40 PTS (ineligible) EastCoastNiner: -40 PTS (ineligible) bigdog17k (2): -20 | 30 Celtics3420 (1): 30 ChosenOne (2): -20 | 30 Cleveland's Finest (2): 0 | 0 Cobb (2): 0 | 0 Confidence (2): 0 | 30 DaBron James (1): -40 deestillballin (2): 0 | 0 EastCoastNiner (1): -40 Fish7718 (1): 30 Hawks Fly High (1): 30 J E N (1): 30 Jammin (1): -20 kingfish (1): -10 magicbalala245 (2): 0 | -10 Prodigy (2): 30 | 20 StoneyMaroney (1): 0 SumtiNSpecial (2): -10 | 30 Sun Tzu (1): 0 UnoCinco (1): 30 NBA FINALS TOTALS ---------- 1) UnoCinco: 40 PTS 2) Cobb: 30 PTS 3) AllenIverson#1fan: 10 PTS 4) bigdog17k: 0 PTS 5) Confidence: 0 PTS 6) GuRu: 0 PTS 7) Hawks Fly High: 0 PTS 8) magicbalala245: 0 PTS 9) Sky: 0 PTS 10) SumtiNSpecial: 0 PTS 11) Sun Tzu: 0 PTS 12) deestillballin: -10 PTS 13) DaBron James: -30 PTS 14) FreeAgent: -30 PTS 15) Cleveland's Finest: -40 PTS 16) kingfish: -40 PTS 17) Shaliq: -40 PTS
  20. I wouldn't be so confident about snagging Andrew Bynum for Bosh in a sign-and-trade, now. Buss is looking to save as much money as he can and raking in a larger profit. Drew will be getting paid, but Bosh will ultimately cost us more at the end of the day.
  21. Be sure to bold your vote, then follow it up with an argument as to why you believe he is deserving of the vote. Not the best award we can offer, but someone has to win it.
  22. Be sure to bold your vote, then follow it up with an argument as to why you believe he is deserving of the vote. There are plenty of them...so who takes the cake?
  23. Be sure to bold your vote, then follow it up with an argument as to why you believe the duo is deserving of the vote.
  24. Be sure to bold your vote, then follow it up with an argument as to why you believe he is deserving of the vote. Who's the all-time greatest scorer?
  25. 1) 16 lines max, PM'ed to me. 2) At least one of those lines must be about your opponent's favorite basketball team. 3) One line has to end with your opponent's display name on OTR. 4) Cussing will be censored if you decide to use it. Don't bypass the censor with asterisks or other symbols. 5) If you say Dick Vitale's first name, please censor it yourself by typing [expletive]. In the manner it would be used in this contest, it should be filtered out. NOBODY POST IN THIS TOPIC UNTIL BOTH RAPS ARE ADDED. After both competitors are finished, members can place their vote. Please explain your vote. Both competitors are going to be asked to send their rap to me via PM, and they have three days to do so. I will post both entries, and voting will begin. Good luck, fellas. Run yo mouth!
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