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Real Deal

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Everything posted by Real Deal

  1. I really don't mind the bag, since it doesn't have a tiny handle or a strap on it. The shirt is pretty awkward...and are those white skinny jeans?
  2. Just had to re-register over there. Did you lose the database, or...?
  3. You know I'll swap links with you guys, haha. Any chance you could somehow make a topic about the links section of the site? You don't necessarily have to make a topic for DiscussHoops, just the actual section, getting everyone to at least notice it's there and active. I'll put your link up soon...but I'll need an image representing NBAD, and also a description (see the other topics in the affiliation section).
  4. Can't say it'll help them that much, since they have Brown, Frye, Beasley, Dudley, and a couple others wanting to shoot long jumpers and threes. They really need Scola to play closer to the rim and help on the glass, not become a Mehmet Okur.
  5. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/487071_10151161764973463_32853355_n.jpg
  6. Well, it's still preseason, so it's better to wait until Lin sticks his hand into 20 games or so with Houston. Right now, you're almost forced to say Conley, simply because Lin is a turnover machine that didn't have a full season of good play. However, it won't surprise me if Jeremy Lin ends up being better than Mike, because the truth is, Conley hasn't been THAT impressive to begin with.
  7. Where the [expletive] is Jeff Hostetler? Let's give him a contract...I know he's 50+ years old, but I'd rather see Hoss out there than this idiot Palmer. Nice play calling, by the way.
  8. CALVIN BOOTH. I wonder how many posts he has been mentioned in on this site. EDIT: Ten total, four times since 2009. LOL...surpassed my expectations.
  9. Should have played Free Fallin' as he was on his way down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lWJXDG2i0A
  10. They've delayed this about 2-3 times already (at least since I've been paying attention to it). He was supposed to go up on Tuesday, when I first found out about this guy...and the winds were about 5 MPH too strong. They need it to be around 1-2 MPH max, and just knowing THAT would freak me the hell out.
  11. Yeah, it's a 23-mile high jump...never done before, and he's looking to break the sound barrier with just his body, which is scary. At that altitude, even slight changes in wind speed (as he's falling) or a small miscalculation...well, it could kill him instantly. He's also testing the suit they provided him, for astronauts, so he's doing it for more than just himself.
  12. There's only one movie that creeps me the [expletive] out, and it's Carrie...even today. Not so much through the majority of it, but once she's covered in blood, it's just different, lol. Anyone scared of Paranormal Activity (the series of movies)? I haven't seen any of them since the first one, and I thought the first they put out was just dumb.
  13. Just watched this movie tonight (bought the DVD when it came out)...really thought they did a great job on it (probably the sixth time I've seen it, by the way, lol). Super bump. The jump scares are fun, and this Freddy seems more demented. I can't believe I didn't comment on this when I saw it in theaters.
  14. I never care about any of that, when a new site comes up and steals attention for a while. I've ran into a TON of them over the years, including one that bought out 12-13 different sports sites (and purchased my biggest rival, JustBBall), and all of them are inactive now. Just have to let people do their thing, as long as I stick to my plan.

  15. Yeah, a lot of disgruntled members from here ran over to HN, and they spammed us pretty bad around that time (although Tony didn't encourage it, and he was pissed that it happened).

  16. I was seriously anticipating another Ibanez bomb.
  17. My interest always starts with ownership, for the simple fact that I've ran into a lot of spammers over time (and corrupt owners)...but I don't affiliate with anyone in that position, and the fact that I don't know any bad things about you makes it okay, haha. Enjoy the game.

  18. I have a friend who loves the Jets, and he thinks the same...just go into tank mode, let Sanchez play out the season, and drop both him and Ryan. As a non-fan, and since the Jets aren't a team I really have to care about (since my Raiders aren't going to make the playoffs), I just want to see Sanchez pushed aside for Tebow. I need the drama right now, lol. Plus, if Tebow somehow wins games, doesn't matter how many...it only helps the Raiders in landing the better draft pick, haha.
  19. Same to you. I was under the impression that Wrigley was the owner, but I'm assuming you're sole owner, and he's admin?

  20. It makes for good basketball, regardless. Philly is already known for their fanbase (both in positive and negative lights, most in negative simply because the media loves to feed on it), so there's no point in caring TOO much. Now, if Iguodala had gone to a division rival...that would have been even better, lol.
  21. Do you have DST Correction checked or unchecked? Fool around with that for a moment, and each time you do, make sure you go back to the main board index and hit the refresh button on your browser.
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