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Real Deal

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Everything posted by Real Deal

  1. 1) Bryant 2) Wade 3) Roy (he's a primary two-guard, has been his entire career) 4) Ray Allen 5) Joe Johnson 6) Ben Gordon Tough decision at the end. I wanted to slide Vince in the list, but I think Ben Gordon has him beat by an inch because of his range. Neither play defense. Pierce is a forward. Arenas is a point. McGrady is a point-forward. Those guys shouldn't make the list.
  2. It has little to do with rings. Dwyane Wade led a team to a championship. LeBron hasn't. James is still the better player. It has more to do with all of the individual achievements and Jordan's superior defensive skills. If you take away his MVP's, defensive awards AND maybe one championship, you have a very damn good argument.
  3. It's not even a question: Ron Artest is a huge upgrade over Trevor Ariza. I won't even explain why. I've been talking about the positive effects Ron would bring to the triangle offense and our team on the defensive end for the last two or three seasons, hoping we'd get him. This is our chance, and we need to bust through the wall and bring him to LA immediately.
  4. Yeah, you posted a link once that had duplicate HTTP's in it. Might be something to look into on your end, because I've yet to see anyone else do that.
  5. We'll wait a little bit for that, since it's the offseason and not all team forums are active. I won't wait until October or anything like that, though...but these next couple of weeks, the trades that we'll be seeing won't span across 30 team forums. Team Captains may have different roles this time around, too. We'll have to discuss that.
  6. Yeah, I fixed your sig a couple of times, and also fixed the image in your Member Pictures topic. I was going to send you a PM about it, but it slipped my mind.
  7. Ariza was lit up by Melo and Turkoglu. I remember that all too well. His help defense is pretty good, but you stick him on a scorer, and they will most likely get the best of him. Artest plays better defense, and he also has experience in the triangle offense when he played it in Chicago, post-Jordan. They ran it for a bit when they drafted Ron Artest, and he played the point-forward position. I definitely want this to happen. Many thought Vujacic was going to be a decent player, so we offered him money and he sucked. Walton? Same thing. I love what Ariza did for us, but a lot of those big steals/plays wouldn't have been needed if the man-to-man defense was cranked up a bit throughout the game. We get that with Ron.
  8. Welcome to the best. By the way, you can add your sim league link to your signature space. The more you post and discuss topics, the more you can "promote" your sim league in your signature, as it will appear with every post you make.
  9. I would take Artest over Ariza, easily. Trevor does want a lot of money. Artest is a better defender and better offensive player.
  10. You should go for it anyways, bro. I can tell you right now that a great deal of people read your posts. Some can sit here and tell you that nobody reads 40 paragraphs, but if they did, they are lying to you.
  11. I believe the rule is that you can be traded once again, but not in a package...just a one-for-one swap.
  12. Doesn't make any sense for Dallas OR Kidd. Neither of them are going to be happy with this, minus Jason being happy with the money. I don't think he wants to play in Dallas, and I don't see why Dallas would want to keep Kidd in their offense. $8 million a season with a player option (right?) in third year...that's pretty crazy for him.
  13. Okay, let me do some investigating.
  14. Someone go post in the "Kobe extension" topic in the Lakers forum. I'm just testing it out again.
  15. At least he didn't opt out and demand more money. That was the potential problem.
  16. Yep, that's how I am with Hinrich, Chalmers and the others. But I can't root for Pierce, despite his allegiance to Kansas.
  17. I still don't get it. I posted in the Harris/Rondo comparison topic. It's not going to be new content because I read my own post. BUT, when someone posted in there, I was able to see that topic in the "View New Content" link, since it was something I hadn't read yet.
  18. Oh crap, not another Lakers fan.
  19. I keep hearing that the Blazers are going after Hinrich with a few pieces, and pursuing Hedo would be huge. But they don't really need a traditional point, either, so finding a guard won't be that difficult.
  20. Maybe Fisher will retire early and coach. I think he'd be excellent, if we keep guys like Shaw and Rambis on the bench.
  21. By the way, when you get a chance, get the hell away from Byethost. They will eventually find a way to do you wrong. They didn't have a backup for me because whether they wanted to admit it or not, their business server crashed. That's why they removed backups using the cPanel, if you hadn't noticed.

  22. Thanks. I actually don't think we've been on the wrong foot or anything (if that makes sense), I just think that other members probably blow things out of proportion all the time.

  23. 1) Kobe Bryant 2) LeBron James 3) Blake Griffin 4) Kirk Hinrich 5) Kevin Durant 6) Mario Chalmers 7) Brandon Rush 8) Grant Hill 9) Jason Kidd 10) Dwyane Wade #1 and #2 are a certainty. I would probably switch #3-10 around every day if I had to re-write the list, haha.
  24. Not sure. The Rondo/Harris comparison topic has come up three times since I've been checking the "View New Content" link, one for each time a new post was made. Are we looking at the same link?
  25. Why would I be pissed? And why are you sad that you're Frog?
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