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Everything posted by Paul

  1. I would like to see what NItro really looks like. (strong pedo)(strong homo)
  2. So true man, haha. I wish I could upload those pics.
  3. thank you baby. i have missed you jer. tell your ginger friend to call me. and hi hutch i miss you too
  4. Yeah I know, up north this is nothing, but down here we dont have the equipment for it.
  5. Down here in georgia we have had some pretty bad snow/ice come in and I just found out that I dont have school till the 18th. Give me some ideas to do guys since I am stuck in the house. Please anything will help, I got cabin fever.
  6. Man we are iced in here in Georgia big time.
  7. Those dude says Real Deal prolly 30 times! Haha. http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhcGtd2WtP9MweTIOQ
  8. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs242.snc1/8929_1151491983920_1126230117_30409012_1200159_n.jpg first tattoo second tattoo http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs472.snc3/25885_1246914249417_1126230117_30617379_7047943_n.jpg
  9. Too bad those aren't the space jams bud. Those are the cool greys.
  10. Yo Smithers will you send me the link to sir.
  11. Can I get a link to your league? I would love to read about it. And is it free?
  12. remind me to do it cobberz.
  13. anyone got a mac friendly dl? hook a negro up.
  14. Take Richt from Georgia, I would love to see the Bullpuppies suffer even more!!
  15. My buddy goes there, Bart Benton. He is the backup Point.
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