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Everything posted by Paul

  1. lets be friends flash. haha. no wonder that is your username. i got a 2006 black cobalt
  2. Artest needs to learn how to put his feet behind the three point line. And, I really am starting to like this Ibaka guy.
  3. why does everyone on this site with a few exceptions hate on everything? i wasn't talking to you homeboy.
  4. no just the reg. macbook. dude, just to give you some advice seeing as this is my first time really playing around with a mac, you can't go wrong with this thing man.
  5. funny this thread is posted. i just got a macbook tonight and typing on it right now. this computer is absolutely amazing. i mean anyone that hates on the mac so look at the screen and then shutup. this screen compared to any computer i have had is by FAR the clearest most precise computer screen i've seen. i mean i used to be a pc fanboy but after using this mac that i just bought, i feel like i will never go back ever.
  6. stats flow was overall more complete. he took it to the next level with the personal touches. stat 5 yugo 2
  7. Yugo and LKR, you have to realize how low life you guys sound. One of my best friends is over there right now getting bombed and already had three guys in his platoon injured from a RPG. So if you want to sit behind your computer and say all this [expletive] about our troops you guys can pack your bags and move back to Yugoslavia and LKR you can go with him. They are fighting for our freedom and all in all are protecting us from getting hit her on our soil. I bet you guys wouldn't say anything about this if the Liberals didn't edit the video. Think before you speak, seriously. You guys sound like you know exactly what was going on there and you have no idea.
  8. I don't like it much either and I'm from Atlanta. I think that the Red Sox-Rays series are a little better anyways. But, of course I would love to see the Braves and Phillies on ESPN more often though.
  9. I threw my buddy threw my wall in my room when he tried to hit me in the nuts. It was like a week after we moved into my new house too haha. Have you ever had sex?
  10. necessary? post about basketball man. come on who cares what color you dislike.
  11. wow. ok. thats cool yugo. i mean you didnt post for 3 days either so i dont see how you get to determine this. weak as hell bro.
  12. the external didnt work. just havent had time to get it looked at. and yes i started my new job yesterday. told his [expletive] to kick those rocks hah.
  13. because i didnt have access to a computer? man yall vote man. i dont mind giving him the win but my computer has been dead. dee will vouch for me.
  14. ok here it goes my computer has been dead. last time i checked you were in love with paul wall now whats up with all these head banging skulls sorry i didnt respond had [expletive] to do you would know if you worked a job or two get a life quit trying to get back on the site your childish games went away like your mom saying she would love me long time oh im suppose to talk about the rockets i guess what happened they flipped flopped worse than your music interests. oh and the joke about my sister was great but she would laugh at you if your skinny serbian [expletive] asked her for a date we have both been around since the site opened up i matured why haven't you grown up?
  15. i did and then i put in for group id 10922 and 123otr for the password. and it just wont move to the next page.
  16. it isn't letting me join? anybody?
  17. Down here in GA where I am from all you hear is bass and blasting. I mean that [expletive] is redunkulous. But any T.I. or new Travis Porter is [expletive] I rock to. Or of course Bonecrusher's Neva Scared is some [expletive].
  18. Am I missing something or is Jayson Heyward not on the Braves? I mean I can't play a franchise with them if they don't have him. That is some missed up [expletive].
  19. just went and rented the game today. so far i like it but havent been able to play much. hit me up bigdog we should play a xbl game. Tha Dream
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