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Everything posted by DunkinDerozan

  1. Agreed. Its not often that someone isn't excited for thei best player to come back from injury, but honestly I'm a bit worried. The team seems to be playing with great chemistry, and honestly Calderon has a lot to do with it. I think when Lowry gets back from injury he should start coming off the bench, and if he works well with the way we're playing now then let him earn the starting role back. If not, keep Calderon as the starting PG.
  2. I'm going down to South Carolina in March with my mom and I think I'm going to see how far out of the way it would be to stop somewhere in North Carolina to watch a college basketball game. I'm thinking probably Duke as long as its not too far out of the way.
  3. I'm not exactly confident about our chances. We've got Baltimore and Philly. Unfortunately we can easily lose to both, even with the position Philly is in. They would love nothing more then to spoil our playoff chances on the last week of the season, and I wouldn't be surprised if they do.
  4. You were right. I think best case scenario he becomes a solid starter or 6th man. Most likely scenario he's a good role player around 7th or 8th man.
  5. You should put a neither option for the second poll. I think neither beat it.
  6. I decided I'd buy it on boxing day if I don't get it for Christmas. I'm kind of bored of NCAA 13 and I have felt like making a franchise with the Dolphins or something.
  7. Calderon was outstanding tonight. Thank god i had something else to watch other then the Giants today. Looking at our upcoming 3 games, we have a chance to go on a little run. Too bad its too late to mean anything
  8. We've outplayed the Rockets for the most part except for Harden getting to the line every time he goes in the paint
  9. In all seriousness though, why the [expletive] do they keep giving the ball to Lumpkin with David Wilson on the sideline?!? SMFH
  10. Why does everyone hate me nick-name for lumpy?
  11. I guess we're really going all out for the series this year. I don't know much about D'arnaud except that hes a catcher and that i've been hearing hes one of the best prospects in baseball for a few years now. I figured he'd be stepping into the lineup soon, so it sucks to see him go. Especially considering JP Arencibia kind of sucks tbh. Still, having the Cy young award winner in our lineup is worth it considering pitching was our downfall last year. Its time to go get that world series!
  12. Terrence Ross has completely changed my early opinion on him. I think hes got the potential to be a very good player. Second unit has stepped it up in the second Q too.
  13. I can tell its going to be one of those games.
  14. I didn't mean anything by it, I just thought you probably found that picture online or something. Thats pretty cool that you saw that bug yourself. It does look like an 88 on it.
  15. Very scary... How come I never heard of any of this stuff? I guess I don't watch the news enough.
  16. lol. Difference is that just about anyone can grow their own marijuana if they want to, where as guns can only be made in a gun factory. Not really any way of making your own gun. Also I've seen a lot of people posting/sharing this picture on facebook: http://sphotos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/179586_10152351678580374_213763447_n.jpg
  17. For sure. Everyone in the city knows that fat Italian piece of shit sucks except BC.
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