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Everything posted by DunkinDerozan

  1. Maybe another year in college will do him good. Still a huge loss. I hope he has a good recovery.
  2. April 23rd. Anyone else [expletive]ing pumped? I REALLY hope he doesn't disappoint again this time. He's hyping the shit out of it.
  3. I watched a replay of it. Worst part is when he screams in agony. Very scary stuff, I hope he's alright.
  4. Hopefully not for awhile. Dude has the clutch gene that this team needed though.
  5. Nuggets defense very strong in the 2nd Q after letting us walk all over them in the 1st.
  6. Basically what DBF said. They've struggled all year and are currently out of a playoff spot. Not really that bold.
  7. Reimer has a mild MCL knee strain. Expected to be out atleast a week. Could have been a lot worse, I think we'll be fine.
  8. Ya I like those shorts. Maybe wouldn't mind it so much if it wasn't for the sleeves being so tight.
  9. Lol I remember pictures like this on Facebook all the time when I was in like grade 6
  10. [expletive]ing awesome. I hope he stays healthy this time around. When he's healthy he's our best CB. Tired of seeing Webster getting burned so much.
  11. Surprised to see Vick resigned for another year.
  12. I'd attribute that win more to the Hornets playing like complete shit then the Raptors actually playing well. Landry Fields was a quiet but effective contributor. Eric Gordon and Anthony Davis were so bad though, it was brutal to watch. I'll take the W though.
  13. I wouldn't put a lot of that blame on Lucas. TRoss' defence was awful letting Roberts tear him apart. Lucas hit a couple shots and had one very nice pass to Amir in the paint.
  14. http://a.espncdn.com/photo/2013/0129/grantland_kg_worst_1152.jpg < worst shooters from each spot Josh Smith is worst shooter from 2 spots lol Edit: holy shit Iggy only shoots 14% from the left corner 3
  15. -Lakers miss the playoffs -D Rose comes back and lights it up, brings Bulls to Eastern conference semis
  16. 25% into the season, currently sitting at 7-5 and 5th place in the Eastern Conference. Not bad.
  17. Meh, not into jail breaking my phone or iPad. I jail broke my iPod touch a few years ago and it was alright for awhile but it made it a lot slower and it never really felt the same. An iPod touch is a lot different then an iPhone or iPad though. I really don't want to have to replace either of them if it [expletive]s it up.
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