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i am batman u die now

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Everything posted by i am batman u die now

  1. Technically, they're in the race for the eighth seed. They have an easy schedule in February, so a positive record isn't necessarily out of proportion.
  2. What the [expletive] does that mean Notorious Bang? What the [expletive] is he talking about?
  3. http://blogs.suntimes.com/bulls/2012/01/rose_thinks_he_let_chicago_dow.html
  4. Hope you thoroughly enjoy the article. My articles aren't excessively long because I prefer to pump medium sized ones out quicker.
  5. http://www.csnbayarea.com/blog/warriors-talk/post/Curry-says-ankle-doesnt-respond-well-aft?blockID=641388&feedID=5882
  6. http://www.cbc.ca/gfx/images/sports/photos/2012/01/31/casey-dwane-120116-8col.jpg The Head Coach of the Toronto Raptors, Dwane Casey, is surely a front runner in my eyes for the award. Yes, the winning record by itself doesn't look that impressive, but I assure you he's better then Triano. Dwane Casey is a tough minded individual who slips through the cracks of adversity with grace and ruggedness. His defensive prowls are intense in practice. Pound The Rock is one of his keys to the game, flooding the passing lane and making it tough for your assignment to be productive with the basketball. He's a perfect fit with wing man James Johnson. Johnson has attentively listened to everything Casey has preached. Casey has also helped improve Andrea's work ethic. Bargnani has been ripped apart by the media for being lazy, and not boxing out. This has by far been Andrea's best season, and Casey has taken advantage of that. According to a recent message posted via twitter, Bargnani IS the best man to man defender in the entire league. http://blogimages.thescore.com/raptorblog/files/2012/01/Untitled-4.jpg That is surprising. Casey's superman it seems! Teaching Andrea defensive positioning was key to this in camp. He has been on a whole entire other level then Triano, but of course as every coach, he has downsides. His rotations are perplexing at times. I remember a few games ago against the Pacers, he had Jamal Magloire out. Now, I can understand the lack of depth in Toronto might be an issue, but he isn't a good free throw shooter. Jamal is put to the line with the game on the line, and he misses both. He airballed one I believe. I have faith in Casey though. His team is young and no pieces are fully set in stone, he has a long time to figure out what works for Toronto. The question is, can Dwane Casey actually provide enough victories for himself to be in the running for this prestigious award? Probably not. Doug Collins in Philadelphia will most likely hold the gold soon, with how he's turned a somewhat talent deprived squad into perennial winners, he is a lock (for me) for the award. Then you've got what George Karl is doing without Chandler or Kenyon. Still, even with those in the race, you can peg Casey in there too.
  7. http://www.latimes.com/sports/basketball/nba/clippers/la-sp-clippers-fyi-20120129,0,5135979.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fsports%2Fbasketball%2Fnba%2Fclippers+%28L.A.+Times+-+Clippers%29
  8. http://aol.sportingnews.com/nba/story/2012-01-27/kemba-walker-charlotte-bobcats-paul-silas-dj-augustin-uconn-huskies
  9. http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2012/01/28/sports/basketball/28reuters-nba-bucks-jackson.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss
  10. I agree, Swish. There's no way he was playing this well last season. He seemed nervous, trying to adjust to his game accordingly. I'm glad he's finding a way to be productive in the league.
  11. http://www.oregonlive.com/blazers/index.ssf/2012/01/nicolas_batum_ready_to_focus_on_game_after_contrac.html
  12. http://gif.mocksession.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/LEBRON-TONGUE.gif
  13. http://www.foxsportsnorth.com/01/27/12/Wolves-find-pain-relief-at-minus-166-deg/landing_timberwolves.html?blockID=654530&feedID=3543
  14. Gilbert Arenas could be another scoring threat, though. Artest isn't exactly the same guy he once was, and it isn't like Fisher is racking up the assists either. That knee injury fake was pretty rough, via my post on how Kobe wouldn't take the crap from him and be down his throat all the time. I bet he'd know Kobe and Pau, probably spent time with them during the AS break one year? I don't know. You aren't finding that without a trade. You'd need an elite passer, and there's not many around, but maybe an Andre Miller can fit that exact role.
  15. http://www.indystar.com/article/20120127/SPORTS04/201270336/1062/SPORTS04
  16. I'm little and new, I'll get gangbanged with knowledge. :o Debate's kind of settled though, we had a long discussion and we kinda reached thee same opinion. Finding another Nash or Stock or Kidd will be hard, but we need one.
  17. He could still be of use. Anything is better then the corpse of Derek Fisher manning the point. Can't imagine him starting trouble around Kobe, Artest, and Fisher though.
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