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Karl Malone

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Everything posted by Karl Malone

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVI_7k4V_kk lol
  2. I think the patch messed with the my player mode because its so much harder to cherry pick now and you actually have to follow the point guards plays he makes instead of just ball hogging. I used to average like 25 ppg now im lucky if i get 15
  3. So randomly my game decided that whenever i play a game it would just player lock on a certain player and i don't know how to turn it off since its not like in 2k10.
  4. definetely getting it when i get the money
  5. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs702.snc4/62222_10150285224300305_221292025304_14667149_7713058_n.jpg they have obama!!!!!
  6. http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/1145/tommorellowall.jpg Just starting to get back into graphics after a 7 month rest.
  7. http://www.dangerousminds.net/comments/the_wild_women_the_wild_women_the_rippin_and_the_tearin_the_rippin_and/ lmao
  8. Text seems kinda sharp. Everything else looks sick though.
  9. Thats cool man. I still can't believe some of these bands still got it after all these years. I saw AC/DC last year in Philly and i wasnt expecting too much but damn they delivered.
  10. Anyone know a way to get microsoft office for free? Like a key generator or anything like that?
  11. Think they tagged asher cause this dude looks like him. lol
  12. What does that have to do with his comment? I'd rather have 5 solid players that play well together than manu ginobili. Plus ginobili isn't what he used to be, Serbia has a lot of young talent that Americans don't know about because those games are only broadcasted in Europe. Watch Partizan play.
  13. This was on that mixtape he put out and i loved it but it was only like a minute long, my prayers have been answered.
  14. lets be real, games are won with a team effort not a star player. I dont care if the US has 10 star players if they cant play well together they wont do good.
  15. This joint is awesome. I actually love the new eminem. I feel like recovery is gonna be one of his best albums of all time.
  16. I wanted to see what everyone thought of this guy. I saw him in concert at a college about 2 months ago. Ive been listening to him for about a year, but didnt realy get into him till this year. I like his Oj and Kush mixtape. He's pretty goood but i feel like all he raps about is weed which i dont mind but its kind of repetitive.
  17. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/041/d/9/Kid_Cudi_Sig_by_KR1SPY.jpg first sig in 7 months
  18. no school for me today or tomorrow. wwoo
  19. Just got back into gfx and am looking for sites with good resources etc... sorta how deadlyfire was.
  20. I think me and my disc will finally commensurate our love. <3
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