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Karl Malone

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Everything posted by Karl Malone

  1. Exactly, we got slaughterhouse, random axe, jonas bros, etc... doesnt have to be just one.
  2. sell it on craigslist. I mean they will only give u 50 bucks for a 360 at gamestop. Can't imagine what they'll give you for a psp.
  3. Em purposely got on this track just to single handedly kill the three most popular rappers out right now.
  4. ps3 yo. take it from me, i had an xbox and sold it to get a ps3.
  5. holy [expletive]! Em destroyed everyone on that. if he spits like that on relapse 2 that cd will be fire.
  6. It gets stuck in your head. kinda catchy
  7. Damn i didn't think Em would do this but i can't wait to hear it.
  8. Game doesn't look bad at all. But i'd like to play it first hand before i say anything.
  9. Niguh you just came on this site to get someone to design ur site for u. niguh please gtfo.
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