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Karl Malone

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Everything posted by Karl Malone

  1. It's because when you work out the blood is rushing into your muscle and makes it expand so it feels like your bicep will explode. But i've never gotten stretch marks from it.
  2. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_inO8Klhll5g/SWRlHgKGPvI/AAAAAAAAAro/RLTFA6ablbg/s400/Davidoff+Silver+Shadow.jpg davidoff, smells great. i bought it today and i love it.
  3. That's so stupid. TMZ probably put that there just so they could have something to take a pic of.
  4. Idk, but his ears are [expletive]ed up so it could be true. Thats what happens when you're an MMA fighter. But Silva was toying with Griffin the last minute of the fight, he was dominant.
  5. You guys think it will actually happen? Im gonna get one but i wanna wait in case the price drops because i dont wanna buy one and then have the price drop the next day.
  6. Not sure if i like that little gradient line thing. But maybe thats just because there is no text. Lighting looks good, background could use a bit more.
  7. Some Dr. Phil up in this [expletive]. I would help her if you guys broke up but are still friends and there are no hard feelings. But if she was a [expletive] to you then [expletive] her.
  8. OMG if this happened that would be sick. Urijah Faber is an animal, i love seeing him fight. UFC would be so big, Fedor will be kicking himself.
  9. Alright ill work on it some more.
  10. They purposely did that so they can change it next year, call it madden 11 and you will think its the best game ever...... duuuhhhh.
  11. http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/9821/loleys.jpg is that bettter?
  12. Couldn't find any ones that pleased me.
  13. Damn, i really thought we had something goin'
  14. helll nahh. i dont want mud slides and earthquakes cracka [expletive]
  15. niguh please. i ain't done with this ish yet.
  16. http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/1541/crisronaldo.jpg http://www.o2designz.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/sex011.gif
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOx9vRVVRQI fast forward to about 1:40
  18. The JMC thing is a rumor. So that's never been confirmed nor have there been pictures. But this Gaga thing, dammnnn. No wonder she wears wigs. And she kinda has the face of a man.
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