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Karl Malone

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Everything posted by Karl Malone

  1. Dude you need to chill. You act all cocky everytime someone posts an article after you did. It happens just chill out.
  2. Lmao, what does he need roids for? Shooting three's?
  3. Background is bad, render could use an effect, needs lightiing, text is horrible.
  4. Nahh, Drake is a better lyricist than Wayne. He even wrote some [expletive] for Wayne. But Cudi is wayy better. http://img54.imageshack.us/img54/6697/22851ip0.jpg
  5. daaammnnn kate beckinsale got a boooottyyy
  6. The reason there are weight classes is because it makes it more even and fair. If you remember back when UFC started where they had no weight classes or anything no tv-stations wanted to endorse it because it was so violent and it was running out of business. That's when dana white came in and bought it with his one business partner and added rules and weight classes. And now its the fastest growing sport and UFC is gettting better and more known.
  7. http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/125/zlatani.jpg I'm probably not done with it, but i wanted to hear some critics.
  8. I choose..... http://campussqueeze.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/elimanning.jpg
  9. Don't think he was high. He's just dumb.
  10. Dont like the left and right side. Get better text and this is good.
  11. make the render and text bigger.
  12. 49ers text blows. everything else is good.
  13. Nice sig, text seems kinda sharp. but everything else is delightful.
  14. pokemon is the [expletive]. dont hate.
  15. I'd understand this if he was a late 1st round pick or a second rounder but dude he was the fifth pick. come on.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mn_gc65w1-Y lmao!!!! He needs surgery wtf?
  17. i'd just give the money to the leukemia society. f that raffle.
  18. Yeah that was retarded, Kyle Loza did the same trick as last year. I was like WTF u give him the same score. You gotta come back with something better. I wish Pastrana would have landed that corkscrew 720, it would have been sick.
  19. Yeah. Well when M-1 goes out of business too, well see if Fedor will come to the UFC.
  20. nahh nig. this just leaked off rebirth.
  21. I can hook you up with a keygen.
  22. woowww that render is so sharppp aaaahhh
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