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Karl Malone

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Everything posted by Karl Malone

  1. im pretty sure this is the pic he used. http://dajaz1.com/uploaded_images/slaughterhouse-719140.jpg
  2. meh, it sounds good but the trumpets ruin it. the song goes hard and the trumpets ruin it.
  3. this dude is nuts. MJ was one of a kind.
  4. seen this on o2. You need to come back to gfx
  5. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/uncyclopedia/images/1/1d/Pwned_by_whale.jpg
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYmObmEY6cY&feature=haxa_popt00us03
  7. What a douche. Screw him then. I was hoping he would destroy Lesnar but now he can just suck a big one.
  8. Word. You know if the Lakers or someone picked him he would've gone in a second.
  9. KG, Allen and Pierce all used steroids when they won the title in 08
  10. They both get sour after a while.
  11. This place is sexy. You'll enjoy it.
  12. I bet we will never see this guy post here again after this.
  13. http://www.epicallyfunnypictures.com/FunnyPictures/ORLY/orly_forum_pics_03.jpg
  14. I like this. However, The render could use some lighting. Also maybe bringing out that render on the right a bit more. Not sure. But this is tight.
  15. But White isn't like that. All he ever did was criticize fedor and call him overrated. I doubt he would give him an immediate title shot after what i heard come out of White's mouth.
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