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Karl Malone

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Everything posted by Karl Malone

  1. That guys hard. He's got a cig in his hand.
  2. Thats cuz the west is so competitive. You got some of the best guards out there.
  3. Man you guys giving this guy no chance. This cat will dominate. All-star in the next two years. I'm telling ya. Mo'fukr's healthy.
  4. Thats what im like when im not high.
  5. You're one silly mofo. Lil Wayne = Most Popular Rapper Alive. Not the greatest.
  6. Wow... you really ruined the carter one. Kobe one is better...
  7. http://fc09.deviantart.com/fs47/f/2009/188/d/a/Weezy_by_KR1SPY.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs47/f/2009/186/c/9/Kanyeezy_by_KR1SPY.jpg both have white borders.
  8. Jackson. Why? Michael Jackson was not just the greatest entertainer but he was also really good off stage. He has given to charities more than any pop star. He has the world recorder. The dude was genuinely nice and cared about his fans unlike everyone else.
  9. WTF? All i see is a render on a black canvas with a little effect behind him. Way too much space. This isn't even close to being done.
  10. MJ. He is more known around the world than McNair. Also, i wasn't really into football when McNair played.
  11. 500??? really??? Dude get a life.
  12. Sick video. Em ain't dominant like he used to be but still dominates everyone.
  13. Bottom left on Sheed's shorts is messed up. You can still see his pistons uniform.
  14. http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/2971/ftorres.jpg wallpaper
  15. megan fox!!!1 vanessa hudgens?? hahahhha lmao look at her nudes. nassttyy.
  16. Beats are all thanks to Dr. Dre so fifty isn't good for anything.
  17. Nvm, looks good. I'm diggin it.
  18. quit. jk work on them some more. Look at more tuts, you're backgroun on that one is week. The use of c4d's wasn't executed very well and the quality of that sig is poop. Keep at it.
  19. I didn't have much time so i figured i'd bust something out. i might make you another one if i have time.
  20. From trying to rape each other in the playoffs to teammates. lmao. can't wait to see this.
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