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Karl Malone

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Everything posted by Karl Malone

  1. I live in harrisburg. What's your name?
  2. I just like seeing them titties bouncin'
  3. Its honestly a piece of [expletive]. i made it in like 5 minutes.
  4. http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/Previews/Swizz-Beatz-u07.jpg Swizzy!
  5. This is fire. Bit more lighting would make this sex on a sig.
  6. This is sexy, but could use a different font.
  7. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y178/Timeisnow32/foye.jpg sucks i know. w/e. take it or leave it.
  8. Well [expletive] you guys. lol j/p my walls suck lately, and my sigs i havent been very happy with either.
  9. Lebron and Bosh since they both wanna play together.
  10. Where he sings Na Na na hey hey hey good bye sounds really retarded.
  11. http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs011.snc1/2906_77997793642_657193642_1639309_5728589_n.jpg
  12. I play it every once in a while. Mostly play Cod4 though. MP40 and STG 44 are the best guns IMO.
  13. Lol i just got done making a Devin Harris wall too. hahah. Good stuff though, i love the simplicity. Something is missing though.
  14. http://xbox360media.ign.com/xbox360/image/article/995/995608/nba-live-10-20090617105634043_640w.jpg Omg that looks real nice. I actually might get live this year, just because ive been dissapointed with 2k lately.
  15. Lebron doing the chalk toss!!! Awesome!! Hopefully they can improve the online.
  16. Favorite Team: Pittsburgh Penguins Favorite Players: Malkin, Crosby Least Favorite Team: Red Wings Least Favorite Players: Ovechkin Anything Else: Champs [expletive]!
  17. http://www.spraguephoto.com/stock/images/5500_5999/5930%20Tribal%20Sudan%20Women%20dancing%20at%20a%20community%20celebration%20at%20Toposa%20tribal%20village%20of%20Naboliyatom%20near%20Nanyangacor%20South%20Sudan.jpg
  18. I agree, thats all i play unless my friends are on then i play cod4 with them.
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