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Karl Malone

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Everything posted by Karl Malone

  1. Ya im planning a couple other versions.
  2. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/156/0/4/cudi_sig_by_kr1spy-d3i5f5f.jpg
  3. http://kr1spy.deviantart.com/art/Derrick-Rose-211839450 First piece in a while. UPDATE: v2 *new text http://i55.tinypic.com/x2jq1e.jpg
  4. agreed. I love Bad Boys but jesus i've seen it like 10 times. And final fantasy? wtf shits gay.
  5. bruno track blows but the leak just dropped and a lot of the other songs are reall nicee.
  6. how stoned were u in this video?
  7. This song is good for the fan that jumped on the wagon when Recovery came out. This song sucks for the fan that has been there since Slim Shady LP and the Marshall Mathers LP.
  8. Got 3 staples to the head from an elbow while playing basketball. Almost passed out 3 times, lots of blood. It was gruesome.
  9. He's not a dumbass, he's young and inexperienced. Made some dumbass plays here and there, but i wouldn't call him a dumbass.
  10. A wild Cardinal is spotted. A rare moment in the NBA.
  11. It's impossible. Kobe would be all over that, it would be a huge scandal and she'd have to resign.
  12. And it was far behind the 3 point line too.
  13. I'd get myself a fine ass famous bitch
  14. I got blisters on the side of my big toe from my shoes. But after a while it just got really hard now my toes are invincible.
  15. If you aren't comfortably with lookin at a dudes penis for about 4-5 seconds all together in a hour and a half long movie than you must not be comfortable with your own sexuality.
  16. Lmao, i never thought about that until i saw a pic earlier on the net that made fun of him for it. By 2015 hell have it halfway off his head.
  17. Nick Collison is like the bitch in the club you look at when everything else fails that bitch will start the car and fill up the gas tank
  18. Sony headphones are amazing. I have the buds, and the over the ear headphones. Great bass in both. Never had a problem.
  19. Always been a fan of this show. Idk, how Ashton is gonna fit in and it will be interesting to see how they use him. I love him in that 70's show though. hilarious.
  20. I have one. No complaints. I mainly just play NBA 2k11 and FIFA so i'm not too hardcore into gaming. And i also use it for netflix. Plus if you ever get bored and wanna play online you can because its free. That's why i like it, cuz with 360 i gave 50 bucks but i didnt use the online as much.
  21. I'm not baiting, i just thought it was a funny link. It's funny how Lakers fans take everything way too seriously. I'm sure if there was a website that said the same thing about the Knicks it would have been posted. But to be honest after seeing the Lakers performance, even if i was a Lakers fan i would have laughed at that simply because of the way they played.
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