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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Griffin isn't better than Amare in his rookie year?
  2. Good decision to start Dorsey. If he can stay on the floor and out of foul trouble, he will bring a lot of the same things to the table as Evans does/did.
  3. Before his knee surgeries Amare was pretty devastating around the rim.
  4. LeBron needs to be given the reigns and Wade needs to be clearly defined as Robin.
  5. I don't see what we could trade that size of contract for that isn't a hindrance to our team.
  6. Extremely annoyed if they were still in their prime.
  7. The problem is Demar has such few moves in his arsenal when his jumper isn't falling, which is quite often lately. What allows Weems to be effective is his automatic mid-range game. Demar needs to start sticking that shot with consistency before we can run plays for him more often. Right now his only move is going right and taking a few slow steps and laying it off the glass, or that little spin move, which mind you, he is getting pretty good at. He is just too predictable at this point, he will put it on the floor for a few dribbles, and if he doesn't get by his man, he'll come out and kick it back up top and proceed to drift into the corner, where he is useless. Demar is probably the worst catch and shoot player on this team behind Reggie Evans.
  8. It is hard to genuinely cheer against your team during the game. You try and take the position of rationality, seeing as losing is ideal in the long run, but cheering against your team is just really hard sometimes. Especially when everyone I know outside of the internet wants them to win (these people don't have a clue lol).
  9. On the court they aren't but off the court I bet they are.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEVCjUG1Mww&feature=player_embedded Unreal.
  11. I can already tell how this is going to go. We will get close to playoffs, I'll start thinking playoffs. Then we'll hit a funk again, I'll be pushing for the tank, then we start winning again, wash, rinse, repeat.
  12. Well I can say I am a fan of Bayless' just because of that interview. I love it when guys appreciate coming here and are happy to be here. Despite how mediocre our young nucleus is, I am just very happy they all want to be here, something you couldn't necessarily say in the past.
  13. I can't believe how good Bargnani looks this year offensively. He is a completely different player.
  14. No i bought mine used like 3 years ago. I asked for one for xmas, money's tight right now, otherwise I'd just buy one.
  15. This is bull[expletive]. How many damn games are we going to be donated?
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