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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Durant isn't even a top 5 player at this point, get out of here with that BS, seriously, the MVP talk last year was bad enough. I am genuinely annoyed with how idiotic some of you are, putting him in the same breathe as Kobe, LeBron, etc is absurd. He might get there, but he isn't there yet. So far this year Durant hasn't even been the undisputed best player on his own damn team.
  2. Chris Paul is not an outlandish choice by any stretch of the imagination.
  3. If this stupid thing really goes 1. Kobe 2. LBJ 3. Durant idk what imma do, maybe hack the board and delete everything you dumbasses. Durant might be your favourite player, but he isn't better than Deron, Melo, Dwight, CP3, etc. God dammit.
  4. I had just started watching close to that time, so I wasn't sure who Miz was at the time, but him wearing those tights pretty much turned him from a mid-carder into a soon to be main eventer lol. Anyways, I should get back around 10-10:30 tonight, so I can catch the only match I am interested in, the main event. It is nice WWE is actually developing an actual undercard for once with some mid-card feuds, it's just that I don't give a damn about any of them since Miz and Bryan feuded.
  5. A laker fan using rings as the end all be all? Sometimes I try and act surprised.
  6. Normally I'd say Dwyane Wade, but so far this year, it has to be Chris Paul. FOH with Durant, Warren. He isn't even a top 5 player in the league yet.
  7. They definitely made the right decision trading for Ron, despite him leaving pretty soon after. Any time you have the opportunity to land a Ron Artest for a late round pick, you do it and don't look back.
  8. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/profile?playerId=3448 ???
  9. beauty, double thread. delete this. sorry.
  10. Dampier cracks open a box of powdered donuts and snickers.
  11. Wow what a breakdown. Can't say I am upset though honestly.
  12. Durant. I picture us just shooting around for a bit then playing video games. Shaq is probably a big douche once the cameras are turned off. Actually, I'd like to kick it with the young gunz (onez).
  13. I love the interview with Andrea. "They are a much better team than us, that is obvious. We just have to not back down."
  14. This is the same thing that happened in the NHL. The NBA, as it stands, is in a way better position than the NHL was in terms of negotiating a new CBA. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a temporary lockout, but nothing more than a shortened season is what I expect. The NBA's CBA doesn't NEED to be overhauled like the NHL's did, I would love a hard cap, but the NBA doesn't necessarily need one, and the hard cap is why the NHL lockout lasted as long as it did anyways; the NBA should not have this problem.
  15. With Jose being so good off the bench and so bad as a starter, a couple good games and Bayless and he could very well wind up being the starter. From the get go he will be getting 20-25 minutes a night though by default, unless Barbosa comes back quickly. A player like Sonny Weems or David Anderson got an opportunity here and took it and ran, especially Sonny. This is as good an opportunity Bayless will get to show he belongs in the NBA.
  16. In reality it is probably Kobe, but with this poll it is obviously LBJ. Wouldn't be surprised if someone else won though.
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