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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. You have to sort by % lol, all stadiums are different sizes.
  2. You have to sort by % lol, all stadiums are different sizes.
  3. Where are you getting these attendance numbers? According to ESPN the Magic sold out every game and the Suns were slightly above the Heat, which says a lot because Phoenix teams suck at drawing fans.
  4. games on TSN are awesome. [expletive]ing blows that Wall is out, decreases our chances of losing and we don't get to watch him play. hopefully Demar has another good game, sit out Kleiza/Barbosa.
  5. The Heat had the 3rd worst attendance last year of playoff teams according to ESPN, with a top 3 player that is absolutely pathetic. As fans, we have a right to be pissed off and jealous of the fact that your fanbase (NOT YOU PERSONALLY STOP TAKING OFFENSE) got a good team based off nothing and a lot of their fans could have cared less. And for the record, the Heat aren't better than the Lakers in attendance so far, there are 8 teams selling out every game so far. Using traffic as an example of why fans will leave a close game early just sucks. Fans like the Knicks are starving for a good team but it seems a lot of the people in Miami could care less. Also, in other news, John Wall is the biggest draw in the NBA right now lol.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WdBQjo5VH0 That shot goes down, who knows how this organization looks today. Also after that awesome (by Raps standards) 47 win season, losing to NJ in the first round stung deep.
  7. nice to see a minority team fan. welcome.
  8. Dude, all those things are the case with every sports team. Lol at using parking and the busyness after as valid reasons for fans leaving a close game. It's pathetic that franchises who have actual fan support (UNCONDITIONAL) are starving for a successful team, and then ungrateful fans like Miami get one in the off-season just because it is hot there. I'm not talking about you, or Flash, or anyone here, so don't take offense to what I am saying, it is just extremely annoying.
  9. Raps were down like 6 with 3 minutes to go and you would think the game was over the way the fans left the game, it was downright pathetic.
  10. At least wait until the Hornets lose their first game before making this thread.
  11. I am the first one to defend LBJ when he is getting [expletive] on, but this is kind of funny to me.
  12. Wednesday, November 17th Phoenix @ Miami (ESPN) Winner: Miami Leading passer: Nash Chicago @ San Antonio (ESPN) Winner: San Antonio Leading rebounder: Noah Thursday, November 18th Phoenix @ Orlando (TNT) Winner: Orlando Leading scorer: Dwight Denver @ Portland (TNT) Winner: Denver Player with the most threes made: Melo Friday, November 19th Oklahoma City @ Boston (ESPN) Winner: Boston Leading shot-blocker: Shaq Chicago @ Dallas (ESPN) Winner: Chicago Player with the most turnovers: Rose Saturday, November 20th New York @ LA Clippers Winner: Clippers lolz Leading scorer: Gordon
  13. I have never been good at things like this since I like to try and pick the unlikely thing rather than the obvious choice.
  14. Welcome to Chris Bosh's (old) life. I wonder how long it will be until the media starts pointing out how [expletive]ty he is playing individually and he gets eaten alive by MSG like every other player has. But like Guru said, what the hell did he expect? This is a borderline playoff team at best, and Amare is just proving he isn't the superstar his fanboys (ECN) thought he was. He is a tremendous second option, though. To be honest I might have agreed with a statement like this a year ago. But with everything I have heard from Amare it seems he genuinely wants to win, the money was always going to be there for him. It seems like he would have stayed in Phoenix if they offered the money, but I don't think they ever did. The Suns are cheap, it is why their GM resigned, they ruined that team in a single off-season. False. While they were capable of offering more through their birds (like Joe Johnson) they didn't even offer him fully guaranteed money. I remember Amare saying he didn't want a football contract or something like that. If Phoenix had offered him the full max, like they should have, the Knicks would have had to have maxed Carlos Boozer lol.
  15. has the college season started? can someone link me to a site for dummies with stats, prospect watches, records and stuff like that.
  16. This is only Weems' 2nd full NBA season. He is putting up really good numbers so far (13 ppg in 24 minutes on .524). He should be starting for this team, he has been arguably our best player so far, so he should be given a chance to prove if he can get it done in more minutes. He has at least earned a shot at this point. Weems is already a really solid defender and as athletic as you could ask for, despite being 24 already he is only in his 3rd year (years pro is a better gauge of potential than age imo) and has an automatic mid range. He is in the gym all the time working on his game, and he doesn't seem like the kind of kid who will just sit on a new contract, he wants to get better and it is showing in the short time he has been here. The problem is, Kleiza, Barbosa and Demar are all under contract next year, and if Sonny puts up these numbers (possibly even better) someone will definitely throw the full MLE at him, I am worried we might be too close to the HC to retain him. Hopefully we can ship Barbosa out in the off-season to ensure a spot in the rotation for Sonny. He seems to want to be here, he got his chance to shine here, and that is how we need to grow this team, not through FA's.
  17. Em's yelling word flow is getting annoying but I like this tune.
  18. Trade Wade. He is being a bit of a [expletive] so far.
  19. Awesome to hear. Demar should be the focal point of this team offensively by the end of the season. <3.
  20. Chris Rock on the end of Blame Game is the best part of the album.
  21. The Office Two and a Half Men I used to watch Chuck and House every week but I haven't watched either since like the 3rd episode from this season.
  22. This really reminds me a lot of when Bosh was in his first year (sophomore season) with VC gone. The only difference is Demar doesn't even have someone as good as Jalen Rose beside him which is pretty sad (yes Rose > bargnani imo). I don't necessarily think Demar will be a perennial all-star like Bosh was for us, but the only way to find out what the kid can do is to feed him to the wolves and let him play through potential struggles. He is probably our best offensive player when his jumper is working like it was last night, the only way his shot will get better if he is allowed to miss 3-4 in a row and not have to worry about his [expletive] getting yanked. Basically give him the unconditional minutes like Bargnani gets and see what the kid does with them.
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