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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. I am on the first song right now, not sure if it is explicit or not, if it is I will upload it later and send everyone the link. This first song is pretty cool tho, love the beat.
  2. Of course we should have, there was no risk to taking him on, and every other team in the league that COULD have taken him should have. The red flags around this kid were so stupid, even if he failed you could have just cut him. I was laughing when people were saying Beasley was being offered for free to teams with cap, I thought it was foolish, but apparently it wasn't. Like I said in the other thread, people acted like he was a scrub in Miami, but he was actually very solid for that team, the expectations were just too high for the kid from the get go. He was expected to come in and be Robin to Wade's Batman as a rookie, which was just crazy for a 19 year old.
  3. Exceeding expectations so far in terms of losses. I was concerned we might overachieve this year based on hustle and energy alone, but that hustle and energy from the first few games is slowly disappearing, we almost seem certain to get a top 3 pick which is fantastic.
  4. Miami doesn't need anything. No team is flawless, the Heat have more than enough talent RIGHT NOW to compete for an NBA title. Whatever changes are made only need to be internal. Spo deserves at least half the season, but if this team isn't within striking distance of the first seed he should be fired. This team needs another string of [expletive] opponents to get on a roll again. LeBron needs to stop deferring to Wade, he is the best player on this team and needs the ball in his hand, Wade seems to have tunnel vision for the rim whenever I watch him. Bosh needs to get reamed out by someone too, he seems like he is pouting out there.
  5. People act like he was a scrub in Miami, he was/is kind of a bonehead but he has always been talented, nice to see he cares about the game though. It was clear he was never going to grow in Miami playing behind Wade. The expectations were just too high, they wanted to win immediately but a lot of the time they forgot this kid was a 19 year old rookie, 20 year old sophomore. It is hard to develop when you aren't allowed to play through your struggles, like was the case in Miami.
  6. lol at RD's post getting a +9, that's awesome.
  7. I don't get why he says the things he does, but hell, who am I to question Phil?
  8. Rondo will be forgotten? Surely this is a joke.
  9. I love watching LBJ play, Wade, not so much.
  10. I am enjoying this game and the thread is just a bonus loulz. Heat should trade Wade btw.
  11. I like that foul by Shaq. LOL at 'where's Chris Bosh?". Looks good on ya Chris.
  12. So you are going to draw conclusions 5 years before he is eligible for the league? Come on. I am the last one who will hype up a foreign unknown, but to write off a 7 foot tall 14 year old basketball player is just foolish. Tim Duncan didn't even start playing basketball until he was in 8th grade or something like that if I remember correctly, this kid could easily develop competent skills, not to mention he should still grow some more.
  13. I do not believe it rules him out of the draft. You just have to be a year removed from high school, where you play is irrelevant, I mean realistically, could he not just go and play in Europe this year?
  14. so ridiculous, I am actually mad that he got a technical for that.
  15. lol at Bosh, take a picture while you're at it. you would think he had a Raptor jersey on the way he didn't contest that.
  16. lol at arroyo still starting, pathetic.
  17. He is getting 3 and a half fouls in 21 minutes. Can he play more is a better question than should he play more.
  18. J. Cole is becoming a good little producer.
  19. Seriously doubt it is better than Late Registration/College Dropout or even Graduation. I'll reserve judgement until I get hold of it, but I have this feeling it is just getting hyped up because this is the first Kanye rap record in like 3 years.
  20. gonna have to miss this one, meh, should be good.
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