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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Who is currently the better player?
  2. what'll you do for your sports fix? EDIT: I have to be honest, I know nothing about the NFL's situation, I just saw on a sports program this morning that there is a serious possibility of an NFL lockout next year, I could be totally off base here.
  3. Low playoff seed at best, they don't even have an all-star on their team, how can you pencil them in as a playoff team already?
  4. It sounds like he has a mini-Kobe attitude/work ethic towards the game, now if only he had half of Kobe's skills
  5. Ugh, how did I forget about Gordon. stud right there, maybe not breakout, but he is gonna have a nice year hopefully.
  6. I would define breakout, personally, as a scrub becoming a really solid starter, or a really solid starter (Donte Greene/Jerryd Bayless?), a starter becoming a borderline all-star (Hickson?), or an all-star becoming a superstar (KD last year, Rose this year maybe?).
  7. He's pretty much right. It's hard for me to sit here and say anything because I know the circumstances are completely different, but I stopped holding a grudge against VC probably after the remainder of his first season in NJ. the fact of the matter is, you should appreciate what he did for your franchise, rather than what he didn't. In the end, the Cavs had the best player in the game for the past 2 seasons, a superstar for 5 seasons, and had tons of success. and while they came up short, not only LBJ is to blame, management also has to shoulder some of the blame. While LBJ went about it the wrong way, he had the complete right to leave.
  8. The amount of points that Green gets is absurd, but what is also is absurd is that such a talented player is incapable of playing competent defense. He doesn't need to be shutdown, but he is a liability at times defensively. Their blueline overall is very thin to begin with.
  9. No motivation, he can say whatever he wants about coming back after that deal got squashed and playing 100% for us, but it isn't happening. He is a passionate dude, and that trade probably stung really bad for him, especially knowing he is now playing on a team where he basically knows he was, and potentially is, the odd man out. I think Calderon really needs a change of scenery, I'm not just saying this because I want him gone either. He can still be effective, he just needs the motivation again, but to get moved, he is going to need to pick it up. If he continues to suck, [expletive]ing bench him, we don't need another [expletive] show getting minutes by default.
  10. Magic and Bird, we will never see anything like that again. Everyone in the NBA is friends now, the competition is so meh, the next star who comes into the league with swagger will be fined to the point they show no emotion to even create a rivalry.
  11. You're so inspirational to all of us. Can you please, in 50 words or less, summarize what your [expletive]ing point is? Please?
  12. The hooks are my only problem with Recovery, most of them are so annoying/cringe-worthy, have no problems with the majority of the beats, although Em needs to start working primarily with Dre again for future work imo. Give me DR for rap album of the year though, from what I have heard at least, which, admittedly, is very minimal.
  13. The game was officiated terrificly, I am not even going to watch that video. The better team won, simple as that.
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