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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. I support tanking through the GM, you trade players who aren't in the long term plans that will win more games for you. You don't encourage losing, but at the same time I don't want you to make acquisitions to try and win more. You are better off in the NBA winning 20 games than 30, if you aren't drafting in the top 5 you'll be lucky if the player you draft is a starter 5 years down the road. You win in the NBA by getting superstars, the only way to (typically) do this is to get a top 3 pick, and to do that, you have to lose a lot. I would rather my team tank and win 15 games than win 35 games, there are far more positives in winning 15 than 35. So I guess you could say I support tanking as long as the best players are still playing, if you want to lose more, trade your top players (unless they are long term pieces to the puzzle of course).
  2. So ridiculous they begin to instill these attitudes now that we have such a [expletive]ty team, seriously this organization is such a joke sometimes.
  3. That is what will happen if the Raptors ever get good.... honestly half the Canadians on the internet are Raptor haters, and once (*IF*) they get good they will be 'fans'. After reading RD's post I guess I can appreciate someone who has rooted for a team for their entire life regardless of geographical location. As long as they cheer that team on unconditionally and know about them, frontrunners are the worst. One of the worst things are fans of TEAMS, not fans of the sport itself.... gotta love those fans who are basically out of touch with reality when it comes to teams outside their own.
  4. What exactly a 'pure point' is by your definition (you need 8+ apg?), and how people rate them to begin with. I don't think you can understate the importance of having a point that can competently handle the ball and play defense, but when you have a player like Kobe, LeBron, Wade, Duncan, you obviously don't necessarily need a ball dominant point.
  5. I've met like 4 people from Miami online and at least 3 of them are Yankees fans
  6. I guarantee you Kleiza averages over 15 a game.
  7. Everyone should cheer for their local teams, through thick and thin, as far as I am concerned.
  8. There are a real handful of players there that could be dealt at the deadline, but with the CBA up in the air you have to figure teams won't be in a rush to take those contracts.
  9. Beasley is easily their best offensive player, so I would like to think it is him.
  10. I wouldn't be concerned about the pre-season as much as the damn injuries.
  11. You guys should have matched Kleiza's offer, the Raptors got the real steal.
  12. it helps when Spo has actual competent players to work with.
  13. read my mind also lol at Deron being underrated, if anything he is overrated if you call him the best point in the league.
  14. Wasn't the reason Cousins not being picked top 3 was because of his attitude? I don't think anyone has denied his talents, but maybe getting passed on will be good for him, chip on the shoulder. I think it was pretty obvious that the Nets took Favors for what he could be 5 years from now, not what he will do as a rookie, of course I wouldn't expect Cousins to look at it that way.
  15. I would really be intrigued at the prospect of Wall to be honest. Not for any reason really, he just looks really sick, and I've never been a particularly huge fan of Rose's.
  16. So when do we start rewarding the pass that led to the pass, hockey style? It is fine as is, really.
  17. LeBron has still been better. LeBron took a team probably as [expletive]ty as the Heat this year, if not moreso, to the NBA championship finals. Wade is sick, but LeBron is/was >. I really don't think anyone is sleeping on Wade's dominance, he is basically a consensus top 3 player, with the gap after the 3 being recognizable, what more does a Heat/Wade fan want?
  18. I think that is the kind of season you can expect from a first year point given the reigns, especially early on, it is definitely going to be up and down.
  19. They needed to think of 101 things, that is probably the only reason it was mentioned.
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