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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. RD can you post a link where the cap or contracts are going to go down 30%? Because if that is happening, I am certain we are in for a lockout, no way the player's association lets that happen. Worst case, Melo loses a year off his contract, I highly doubt he is losing 30% annually, it just won't happen.
  2. This team is 2 years overdue for a rebuild, and I mean a real rebuild, clean house.
  3. They have a lot of pieces I like, I can see them fighting for a final playoff spot.
  4. It'll be interesting to see how he performs under really similar circumstances, in terms of a supporting cast, to what Bosh has had.
  5. I am excited to see them play but I am not 'ecstatic' about the talent being all pooled together, hopefully a hard cap is instituted soon.
  6. Kingfish how much did your fingers burn while typing this? This is a tough one but I say the Heat.
  7. I am being serious when I say he should retire. It is a shame because he is an awesome talent, but he is doing himself more harm then good, especially since he is due for a new contract now, someone is bound to overpay him.
  8. I like what we have in place now, if we get a franchise guy this draft (TANK) that player will have a better supporting cast than the past 2 franchise players we've had. Demar, Davis, Bargnani, Amir, I really like the supporting casts we have in place, if we get a stud in this draft. Over achievement is just my biggest fear this year, hopefully the analysts are right and we hit around 22-25 wins.
  9. Wade had Shaq, LeBron had Mo. EDIT: Maybe even more importantly, Riley for Wade, Brown for LeBron.
  10. It is impossible for the answer to be nobody.
  11. I heard some [expletive] that he was offended by the 5/57 or something like that the Bulls offered him.... am I the only one who thinks that is an extremely fair/generous offer? How much would you offer Noah?
  12. at Barbosa > Bargnani... Raptors look really rough. Wow at Kleiza being so [expletive]ty, he should be at least 68 or 70 and higher.
  13. pokemon & dragon ball z & wrestling /thread
  14. It is just funny this comes after him posting on twitter, right after the finals, congratulating Kobe... but you put a mic on front of his face he says this, not really surprising but it would be nice if he would just shut up for once.
  15. I have a question, why does it matter who the leader is? Leader =/= best player. I don't think there is a single undisputed leader, and if there is someone who tries to be, this won't work.
  16. Heat... if Lakers had a chance at 70 they'd have done it by now.
  17. Dirk not being close to 90 is pretty wack.
  18. Korver will be starting, if he isn't then their coach should be fired. The Bulls already have all the important stuff, if getting 3 point shooters is your biggest concern, then you are in a good position. I mean [expletive] if they really needed to they could get Matt Carrol off the Bobcats for peanuts probably.
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