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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. I think Orlando will give Miami more trouble than Boston will.
  2. I appreciate what Bosh did for the Raptors over 7 years and he had all the right to leave, he just should have been honest with the team and told them his intentions at the deadline, or stayed true to his word and help us try and get value in a trade in the off-season, rather than lose all communication with the team the FA period began. I don't really see your point about if Bosh sucked if I would care, or Bargnani for that matter, this has everything to do with how he left, not the fact that he left, or Bargnani, or how he developed as a player. Out of all the big free agents Bosh had more right to leave than anyone, the best player he played with was [expletive]ing TJ Ford, but at the same time the way he did it was pretty pathetic. He basically lied to not only the fans who have supported him for 7 years, but to management who went out of their way to try and put pieces around him each year... they bent over backwards trying to make moves, first JO, then Hedo, none of it worked, we tried to make it work, but Bosh didn't. Bosh was a consummate professional for the Toronto Raptors for 6 and a half years, and he basically threw all that time out of the window by the way he treated the organization the last 6 months.... I even remember listening to his local interviews after joining Miami (on a Toronto broadcast) compared to his ESPN interviews and [expletive], and just the way he talked was so different, the way he talked about Toronto, it just sucks. I am still a fan of Bosh's, and the Miami Heat to a certain extent for that matter, through all of this, I just think he is a pretty big twat for the way he left. If Bosh left the same way Boozer did, quietly and professionally, we would not be having this conversation... that is the only point I am trying to make. Smh at making me rant.
  3. The Lakers are heads above any other team, but yes I think their walk to the finals will be easier than the Heat's for sure. The Mavs would be my biggest fear but with all that talent, they always find a way to get bounced.
  4. I would personally rather Bosh did what Melo is doing rather than decieve our franchise by saying things like 'maybe people should be talking about joining me' or 'I don't want to be a sidekick'... quite a leader considering he [expletive]ed off as soon as his contract expired after saying he would help us get value in a trade. You can try and morally justify Bosh's actions, and it is definitely debatable who is being a bigger douche, but Bosh basically [expletive]ed us over by making the team think we had a shot at bringing him back, he shouldn't have said all those things he did.... not to mention how he behaved after leaving, talking about being a wolf in a cage and [expletive], smh... dude's closer to a hampster than a wolf... and for the record this would be my opinion regardless of what team he is on, I could care less if he was on the Bulls or Knicks.
  5. smh this ain't nba2k, you can't just turn GM's off, except the Grizzlies GM.
  6. it doesn't matter if it was obvious he would re-sign or not, he still pulled the wool over the eyes of the organization... they stuck to their guns at the deadline when we were the 2nd hottest team in the league, because Bosh said he would give us the first chance to re-sign him.... in the end this isn't what happened and July 1st he basically [expletive]ed off. he just acted completely unprofessional the past 12 months.
  7. Bosh mislead the Raptors into thinking he would give them the chance to re-sign him, he publicly broadcast himself throughout the entire process, basically attention whore. Melo is handcuffing the [expletive] out of the Nuggets this year.
  8. ? Until it happens, it is a rumour lol..... at first I was annoyed at your posts but now they make me laugh.
  9. I was surprised Miz lost, I guess they are going to strap the rocket on now and push him to the moon. That was an awesome match with Bryan though, the feud alone made the match so much better to me, best non-Wrestlemania feud since Punk-Hardy imo.
  10. smh at least one of the guys on the original list has to have bailed by now, get me in this.
  11. Spurs won 59 games with Tim Duncan battling a lingering anke injury if I remember correctly. All I am saying is that the best teams on paper almost always win in basketball, it seems.
  12. I think it is safe to say that the most talented teams in the league have won the last 4 championships.
  13. I think it would be best for everyone if he was dealt and inked to a new deal before the season starts. However with the reports coming out he won't sign an extension in New Jersey (smh) I doubt anything will get done, because that report will do nothing to encourage the Knicks to up their offer, and it seems the only place Melo will sign an extension in, is in New York.
  14. The way you talk about the situation you would think you were an insider, if the Nets made that offer and it isn't done, then your franchise is run by idiots. You don't need a GM to make an obvious deal, I doubt the Nets would make an offer while they were GM-less anyways lol. I still doubt Nets have offered Favors, just because analysts say it is a possibility doesn't mean it has been offered up officially yet.
  15. Bosh took less money, and you don't think Melo can lol... you are just backpedaling, I could care less what everyone else is saying I form my own opinions, unlike you I suppose. I am not saying Melo makes as many endorsements and [expletive] as LBJ, I am saying he makes enough to not have to worry about money as much as a Drew Gooden in the league. Again, I am not saying it is a fact that the contracts will be rolled back. I am saying the NBA won't institute a hard cap and then not roll back contracts, if they institute a hard cap they have to allow teams a fair opportunity to comply with the rules. Worst case Melo signs a new contract for 4 years (if they knock a year off) and expires when he is 31 and can still sign a huge deal again anyways. You are delusional if you think the Nuggets have all sorts of 'cards' as you put it, they are in almost the same position the Raptors were, the only difference is they are trying to address it now rather than get [expletive]ed over like we did. If they get the Knicks deal, or the Nets 'deal' you think has been offered, which I doubt, then you should consider yourself extremely lucky.
  16. [expletive] a championship I just want my 6th man award
  17. I feel like LBJ didn't consider Mo a close friend lol... it is like in gym class where all your real friends are in the other class, but there is that one halfway decent kid so you are kind of friends by default almost because he is the 2nd best. Mo just was mislead, I feel sorry for the dude, his heart is broken.
  18. So has anyone rocked this yet? going home this weekend to get my xbox, and gonna buy chel11.... madden too, maybe Halo idk too many games :s
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