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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Hawks have always been one of my favourite teams, I think Joe Johnson is an awesome player but he is definitely best suited for a 2nd option offensive player, him and LBJ in Chicago would have been awesome with Rose. But I think Joe is definitely talented enough to make this team at least in the contending discussion if he has a near perfect cast around him, kind of like Pierce before the big 3. I really don't think this team is that far off, they have a lot of offensive weapons, an upgrade at the C would do wonders because it would shift Josh to the 3, Horford to the 4 and they would be so much better on the glass with Josh at the 3, that is a huge advantage. I think they need a new PG badly, a team like LA can get away with Fisher at PG but Bibby is done and they need to send him to the bench. A big like Chandler (pre injury) would do wonders for them as well. A point like Blake is someone they should have targeted, or even Ridnour. A point who hits his shots and plays solid D is all they need. I don't think they need a Dwight Howard type player (lol honestly who doesn't?) to become contenders, if they aren't 'contenders' already, I think a few upgrades in the rotation, role players, would do wonders for this team. I mean they won 53 games last year so they obviously don't need to be overhauled, they already have the core set in place, they just need better complimentary players. A few tweaks and this could be a team pushing for a finals appearance or at least an ECF appearance vs Miami. I don't think they need another all-star, just a really solid PG and C.
  2. Stole the words out my mouth. I love that he is really the only young superstar that isn't really in that clan of friends like LBJ, Melo, Wade, CP3, Dwight etc.
  3. He basically wants to double his assist numbers lol... hopefully he can just play good efficient basketball. They ain't winning the division though, probably not 50 either unless he becomes an all-star like he is hoping.
  4. lol yeah he should have just stuck around in Cleveland so where he would never play with good enough players to beat the Lakers... and go ringless like Charles. honestly the titles are in Miami and the legacy was in Chicago, nothing was in Cleveland except guilt.
  5. I think 32 MPG is way too much for a 19 year old big man. Give Favors the same Derozan treatment he got in Toronto.... just start him but bring him along slowly... play him 20-25 minutes a night and if he is going good give him more minutes.
  6. It really is a shame because no offense, management has done nothing to earn it.
  7. don't forget http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/02/Fried_egg,_sunny_side_up.jpg
  8. LBJ took Z, Gooden, Hughes and Eric Snow to the NBA finals, foh.
  9. Probably? It isn't even up for debate, LBJ is far superior to Wade.
  10. If Durant and Gordon are on the floor the PG doesn't really need to be able to shoot.
  11. As long as he thinks he has an opportunity to win, or help the Spurs organization, he will remain in the league.... I just really hope he never joins another team.
  12. lol how about the fact LBJ is even there? that in his spare time he is showing up for these kids at a basketball camp.... the kids don't care, I doubt the parents cared, the only people who care are the LeBron haters. he was just putting on a show for them, I am sure there were some other 'nice' things he did but that won't make the highlight reel will it. it is clear what the creator of the video's motives were.
  13. None of that matters? You are right, there is nothing left to argue.
  14. Run Joe Johnson out of town. Run Marion out of town. Run Amare out of town. Consistently reluctant to go deep into the lux tax to win. Wouldn't give Kerr a raise after their WCF run, which is why he quit. Not every franchise has a Steve Nash to ensure close to 50 wins every year. This is one of the stingiest franchises in the league, they let a top big man leave in favor of acquiring Hedo for 10M, Frye for like 6 and Warrick for like 4.... you can do everything right and still not have success, just like you can do so many things wrong and still manage to achieve some success.
  15. The Suns organization is just as bad as the Raptors, if not worse.... lol...
  16. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha LBJ: 23-9 APG -8 RPG Wade: 22-4 APG-5 RPG Bosh: 18- 2 APG- 10 RPG
  17. lol this is a really awkward music video to be honest.
  18. I think LBJ will have a huge game, he will get booed out of the building... Cavs will lose by 20-30 and [expletive] will be thrown on the floor.... first quarter will be close but after that Heat will destroy them.
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