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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Nice work on not contributing anything 3 times in a row, you guys are actually idiots.
  2. so many things are wrong with that post I don't even know what to tackle first, I will just go paragraph by paragraph. I was asking what the specific issue is, run better how?... and which players are you referring to that have talked badly about Toronto, besides Hedo? Everything you think you are hearing are assumptions lol, I don't think there are many players that have left Toronto and didn't enjoy their time here, even VC admitted how much he loved Toronto, things just got sour towards the end. Again, what specifically needs to change? The only thing frustrating is seeing you acting like Toronto is the most poorly run organization in the NBA. Hedo isn't the one causing problems? lolwut? So because I don't know what goes on behind the scenes means what? Neither of us know, so I don't know how you can use that to validate your claim that the Raptors are a poorly run organization. Okay, I agree with you Hedo was not utilized properly, that was pretty clear. But while we made no effort in your view, Hedo definitely made no effort himself, you could tell based on his body language and his overall lack of intensity on the floor he was disinterested all year and was making no effort to embrace a role the coaches (his boss) wanted him to. I sitll can't believe you are defending Hedo, the only reason I posted this was because of the irony that Hedo called the Raptors cowards for talking behind Bosh's back or whatever, but he only said anything bad about Toronto when he was being being interview by the Turkish media What does our coaching staff have to do with how well the franchise is run? Are the Heat poorly run because their coaches were unable to help their number 2 overall pick become a good NBA player? lol wtf, I never even said that the Raptors were a top run organization, I was just trying to get you to explain why the Raptors are such a pathetically run franchise in your opinion. So basically the Raptors are poorly run because our coaches were unable to utilize Hedo? Got ya.
  3. Washed up? Washed up from what lol... he is the same player he was when they acquired him pretty much.
  4. This franchise is in denial, just follow the Raptors suit and rebuild lol.... don't deal Hickson, that kid actually looks a lot better than I thought.
  5. What exactly is 'the issue'? Lol, not every franchise is situated in a hot climate where they can clear 60 million dollars to entice players to go there. While the Raptors organization has it's problems obviously, I could probably find 10 more poorly run NBA franchises.
  6. Because you take all the [expletive]ty ones who don't care where they play.
  7. Very misleading title, he isn't even close to dominant and hasn't been since around 05-06.
  8. I wonder how Al Jefferson would have looked in a Thunder jersey.
  9. It sucks that the Nets couldn't do anything major with that big 3 we handed them on a platter. I wasn't posting on the internet at the time VC was dealt. What was the uproar like amongst Raptors fans? Nets fans must have been [expletive]ting their pants when they got VC for a bag of balls lol.
  10. So do we pick Dwyane Wade or Dwight Howard (with KG's defense and Hakeem's footwork)? Isn't the answer obvious lol?
  11. Someone email all the dudes from CTS then, that site was active while i was there, would add more heads to the basketball discussion here.
  12. http://www.foxsportsarizona.com/08/01/10/Turkoglu-takes-a-shot-at-Raptors-Colange/landing.html?blockID=281529&feedID=3702 Thoughts?
  13. I don't think he cares where he is playing as long as he is making the figures he is due to make
  14. All the best teams in the league right now have very good PF's, Celtics have a broken down, but still effective KG, Heat have Bosh, Lakers have Pau, Mavs have Dirk, even Nene on the Nuggets. The only team they could match him up at the 4 and get by is the Magic. They should shop him for a PF, maybe someone like Josh Smith is available I don't know. Someone like Scola would have been perfect for them as well. They should just keep him at the 4, or bring him off the bench at the 3/4, unless they can find a legitimate starting big man who is still young enough to stick in with the core of young pieces they have. This is one of the reasons I think the Thunder are still a few years away, they have a 3 guys right now who should all be starting, but only have 2 available positions (Harden, Durant and Green at the 2/3). Aldrich will be a good addition but it will take him a couple years before he makes an impact, I also like that Ibaka kid. The future is bright but there is still some tweaking they need to do.
  15. Game will do nuts ratings, hopefully they have the 2 best records in the league at the time as well.
  16. I honestly think that if Bosh agrees to go to Cleveland, Wade is a Bull and none of this happens. Cavalier fans will disagree with me since LBJ is the devil lol, but I think Bosh was the key to all of what happened this off-season, or in the Cavs case, what didn't happen.
  17. Cavs aren't making the playoffs NB, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but come on son. The Cavs are littered with role players, they are like the Detroit Pistons.
  18. Varejao is probably the best defensive PF in the league, Randolph is a nice talent but he still has a ton to prove.
  19. You don't win in the NBA unless you have a 2 guard who can put the ball in the hoop. Love is good for what he is, but I think Mayo is the better player and will have a superior career... look for him to bounce back after a mediocre year... hopefully they drop this PG nonsense.
  20. I like how the first one looks, get Favors minutes.
  21. I'm not even really arguing who is more immature, I just find it funny that Laker fans are taking the moral stance on this subject when their favourite player made a video bashing Andrew Bynum, calling him a scrub. Publicly demanded a trade after a couple of bad years (you would think he played 7 years with mediocre players, oh wait). It is weird that all this info is coming out now, people don't just behave like this randomly, I guess we are just starting to find out who LBJ really is, it is just weird that we never saw stuff like this until now.
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