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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Given an angle?!?? NXT was almost written around him for the first part, and he still was hardly over, admittedly I hardly watched NXT for a while, but what i saw, and when he was on the main shows, the crowd hardly cared. The only people who like this guy are the internet smarks, he is a great worker but his mic work is average at best and he doesn't have a good look at all. Michael Cole > EDIT: I don't think he doesn't have a future in the business, but I don't see him as some sort of huge loss if he didn't ever come back. I just don't see it with this guy.
  2. Why would they be stupid to not bring him back? He isn't even the best NXT prospect right now lol. It would be nice to bring him back but it isn't absolutely necessary, he will never draw a dime. This PPV looks exceptionally bad, none of these matches have any build up (as usual I guess). The only reason I might search for a stream is to see if anything big happens with the NXT invasion. I have a feeling Barret might use his title match clause tonight after a fatal 4 way match, kind of like how the MITB is usually used, it would be better if it was used on someone not named Cena, since it was used on Cena last time (Elimination Chamber). Have Orton win and then while he is celebrating have NXT destroy all 4 guys in the match, then have Barret use his match clause, would be pretty cool.
  3. We aren't dealing Bosh to Cleveland, they have nothing lol.... we have all the leverage in this scenario since Bosh can only go there for the MLE, if we trade Bosh for Hickson+Bad contract+Bad picks I might not watch the Raptors for a couple seasons.
  4. We need a big trade at the draft for him to even consider re-signing here. If anything I think this shoots up his chances of going to New York. EDIT: The only people who thought CB4 was going to Miami were people who believed the bull[expletive] in the Miami Herald, Bosh had a bad game and they thought he was as good as there in their next day edition.
  5. You're not alone, I'm not seeing it with her either. EDIT: Nvm she is cute, I don't think she is off the charts or anything though.
  7. It all comes down to the bling on the fingers.... if Kobe wins one or two more without Shaq you can pretty much throw that entire argument out the window.
  8. I wonder if the Lakers will re-sign him to a MIN contract, out of pity, it would be kind of funny to see him leech multiple rings off this team.
  9. Lol honestly I doubt we are trading them Bosh, even if he wanted to go there for some random reason (he and LBJ can unite in New York, and LBJ is literally the only attraction to Cleveland), there is nothing we would be interested in a sign and trade, literally nothing.
  10. I'm not really looking to lose much weight, this is why I'm not too concerned with the food part, I intend on not eating as much [expletive], but I won't be looking at the meal plan. The way I see it, worst case scenario is I learn some new effective workouts for the future. I watched a few videos and most the exercises are things I have done before or variations, so it shouldn't be too much of a struggle.
  11. Starting the P90x on Monday, I have to pick up some of those bands since I'm not looking to buy a set of dumbells right now. Also gotta pick up one of those pull up bars to stick in the doorway, this [expletive] would be so much easier if I had a little gym or something. Anyways, as long as I keep it up, I'll post some comments in here to let you know what I think of the results.... it has been like 4 months since I last worked out, gonna be feeling rough next week lol. I'm gonna watch my diet a bit more, but I don't intend on using the diet book or whatever, I don't have the money to eat properly like that lol, hopefully it doesn't hinder the results too much. If you keep on the P90x [expletive] post updates in here, I wanna check how other people are doing (my other buddy at work is doing it too, 2 weeks in already).
  12. It would be cool to see the entire league take a potential 3-peat personal, the Lakers should have a huge bulls eye on their jerseys this year.
  13. No one probably wants him, he is basically Nate Robinson at this point, and even that might be generous.
  14. 'Em adapted with the times, and even during his musical missteps, he’s pushing himself to experiment. After all, it’s not 2003 anymore.' Co-sizzle.
  15. Yo this is what I am thinking, form your own opinions brahs.
  16. Kobe has taken bits from everyone's game, he has said this openly, just so happens he took a lot out of the best player ever's game, don't see the problem.
  17. If you are basing that off this game I seriously hope you are joking, I am actually mad at reading a post this idiotic.
  18. Kobe averages 28 points on 40% this series and will win mvp lol.
  19. [expletive] Mark Jackson i honestly hate that [expletive].
  20. [expletive] you Fisher. If Kobe hits a game winner I will throw up.
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