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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Hahahahaha I knew this page would be over 11 pages.
  2. It really depends, because like I said, if they managed to get them both in a sign and trade it would mean they retain their expiring players rights as well as the rights to their salary cap exception signings. I don't know exactly how it would work if say they signed LBJ outright then did a sign and trade for CB4. But ya, Smush Parker might have a home again if this deal goes down.
  3. You only trade Beasley for cap room if it means Wade is bringing Bosh and LeBron to town, otherwise I think you keep him.
  4. Lol I don't think Bosh and Jose are particularly close.
  5. Not a fan of Mo but he is definitely better than Jose, and would be a perfect PG alongside Hedo. This is pointless though if we don't have Bosh or Bynum next year tho.
  6. Considering our 2nd best big under contract is Reggie Evans, we need to draft a big man.
  7. The Heat could have neough money to offer them all max if they clear their entire roster, for players with their amount of experience the max starting salary is 1/3 of the salary cap. That means if the entire roster is empty they can sign all 3 to maxes, that means they trade Beasley for pretty much nothing and it means they can only fill out their roster with minimum contracts, unless they get both LeBron and Bosh in a sign and trade. It is possible, but only if all 3 are getting maxes, Wade laughed off the idea of them taking paycuts to all play together, earlier in the year. I would love for this to happen, so for one, Bosh can be on a contender, plus it would be a historical moment in the league, 3 players who are all top 3 at their position on the same team? That is just insane.
  8. Even if you are right, that is still a bigger free agency than most years, all those guys are all-star caliber players switching teams, I would hardly call that 'nothing'.
  9. They traded a 2nd rounder for Mo, if they get anything for him it should be considered great value.
  10. Wright wouldn't be bad if he knew his own limitations, every time he put the ball on the floor I just shook my head.
  11. Ya my friend at work was telling me about it, he is gonna do it, he said his buddy stopped after just a month because he was already happy with the results lol.
  12. ahahaha Spot up shooter vs creative backup PG? hmmmz
  13. If Celtics win I am probably getting banned tonight, Laker fans.
  14. Either way the Lakers backcourt needs to get burned by Allen or Rondo for the C's to have a chance.
  15. http://rapradar.com/2010/06/03/new-music-eminem-x-pink-wont-back-down/
  16. I heard the Nets turned down Beasley for Dooling.
  17. And what exactly do they have to offer? Lol.....
  18. I read on the Raptors board at RealGM that there is speculation of a Hedo-Diaw deal, that would be awesome, but it will probably cost us another pick to turn that 4 year contract into 2 years.
  19. If Phoenix gives him a max deal he isn't going anywhere, that is all this is really coming down to.
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