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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. It isn't even about 'the answer', it is about the best and most valuable package we can salvage, you act as though we have any sort of leverage, Poe. I like the deal for Bulls and Raptors but I don't see the Wolves doing it unless it is sweetened a bit, we might have to throw our lotto in there or something like that or the Bulls through one of those young guys they have. Honestly if we come out of this situation with CB4 with a core player like Jefferson, Bynum or anyone like that, I am going to be extremely happy. Honestly you are making it sound like we would be better off getting Varajeao for Bosh than Bynum or Jefferson, simply because he compliments Bargnani better, which is something I honestly do not even agree with. Bosh and Bargnani don't compliment one another because both are content launching jumpers, with a big man like Bynum or Jefferson we will have a legitimate back to the basket presence, something Chris is not. While neither of the two are great defenders they are better lane intimidators than Chris Bosh and honestly are an upgrade to Bosh in the 'compliment to Bargnani' department.
  2. Yes he does, he had two borderline all-star players in Jamison and Caron at his disposal offensively and a few solid role players and as the 'leader' of that team they struggled to even be mediocre which is pathetic. This is a cocky guy who would probably rather drop 45 points than win a basketball game. He doesn't know how to win and at this point probably doesn't care, he brings almost nothing to the table, he isn't athletic, he is bad defensively, can't run an offense and when your PG would rather chuck 25 shots than get everyone else involved you just cannot win. He was bad before his knee injuries and is even worse after, this guy has a chip on his shoulder and insists on chucking up shots and reminding people he was picked in the 2nd round and became an all-star. Arenas might help a team that would normally win 25 games, win 35 games, but he cannot help a team win a championship. If you want a PG who can get you 20 points on 40%, then sure, I agree with you he doesn't 'suck that bad'. What the hell are you talking about?
  3. All those players suck compared to Jefferson, this is probably BS. EDIT: Honestly though, I wouldn't put anything past the Wolves.
  4. Lol I will love to see Fisher try and chase Allen around multiple screens. Both teams will have mismatches on both ends of the floor so it will be interesting to see how it plays out.
  5. Gotta love RealGM's conflicting reports lol. First article they just wanna dump him for salary relief and would even consider buying him out, and in this article they aren't shopping him because they want good value? Ok...
  6. Cap relief at most at this point. People are starting to realize he sucks and isn't near worth the baggage.
  7. I don't think anyone thought that Nelson is a great pass first PG.
  8. I am not getting my hopes up for this album. Wondering what this dude is gonna rap about.
  9. He shouldn't get cut by 60% but no coach should be making close to as much as a max for an NBA player, that is just ridiculous. Make him the highest paid coach and that is it.
  10. Beasley hasn't been able to develop like a traditional number 2 overall pick though. He hasn't been able to go through growing pains, he hasn't been able to keep shooting when his shot isn't falling, he hasn't been able to have the offense run through him for extended stretches of a season. A number 2 overall pick, like Durant, is able to develop their game at their own pace, they develop their game while their team gets smashed. Beasley's development is being halted by a lack of confidence because he is expected to be a 2nd option next to a ball dominant superstar in Dwyane Wade. If Beasley was drafted by a [expletive] team like the Wolves or Kings he would be putting up over 20 a game and this wouldn't even be a discussion, Hickson is a mediocre prospect, he is an athletic big man who can dunk the ball and has almost nothing else to his game right now. Beasley will not be better than Rose, probably not Westbrook or Lopez either, but this topic is just insulting to a player as talented as Beasley. Another big problem is this kid is a 3, playing him at the 4 is the same situation with Jamison, he is just going to get owned by big guys.
  11. Lol? It was obvious the Celtics would smash the Magic? Ok.....
  12. Didn't watch the game today very closely since it was over in the first Q, but I saw them comparing their playoff stats to the first 27 games when they were 22-5. The Celtics we saw for the regular season are not the team we are seeing these playoffs, these Celtics are not a 50 win team, these Celtics are a championship team, and there isn't a PG left in these playoffs that is going to be able to contain Rondo the way he is playing. It will be interesting to see if Kobe can step up in the finals and shut him down.
  13. He hasn't reached his full potential yet because he hasn't been given an opportunity to become a star, he is still being used in a supporting role and unless he is moved or Kobe takes a more passive offensive approach that will not change anytime soon. What has Horford done to show you he can be dominant? He is average at best defensively, a good rebounder and a mediocre offensive player, he is a role player. Bynum would average 20 a game if he got a good number of shots up.
  14. Boston's defense is crippling right now, and Rondo is just abusing Orlando, I think LA-BOS will be a great finals.
  15. BC would never do this, he actually thinks Jose is good. I would do this instantly, Jose makes over twice what he is worth and isn't willing to be a spot up shooter, which in my opinion, is his most useful skill. Jose would be a good PG for a team where he had big men to bail his [expletive] out when he gets blown by on 75% of plays.
  16. The fact Bynum is doing what he does with less of a role and is still younger than Horford makes him easily better. The kid is only 22 years old or whatever and would probably be averaging 20 a game on a team where he was the featured offensive option. If he is a Raptor next year and he is healthy my expectation for him is to be close to a 20-10 player and maybe an all-star. He obviously still has a ways to go defensively and rebounding the ball, but I think he will continue to develop those aspects of his game.
  17. Walking away with Bynum in a sign and trade for a free agent might be the best that a sign and trade has ever gotten lol. On paper that is one of the sickest teams we've seen recently, honestly the deal should be Calderon+Bosh for Bynum+Fisher (waived then signed back), that should be pretty close to working. If we move Bosh we have to try and unload one of these contracts lol. I still don't know if Bosh is interested in the Lakers though, if he wants to win a title it is the obvious choice, but he has talked about wanting to be the man, in LA he would not be averaging 20 points anymore.
  18. Amare will be averaging around 15 PPG 3 years from now in the middle of that contract.
  19. Kobe will probably win more rings than MJ at this rate, this core is set to dominate for around half a decade if everyone stays healthy, and if they get Bosh
  20. He has given them 7 years of his career, probably over half of his dominant portion of his career, he doesn't owe them anything. Who cares who LBJ wanted? He isn't the GM, it is/was up to management to build a contender around LeBron and they have failed to do so, and in result they don't have a ring. If LBJ leaves to play for a superior team like the Bulls you cannot blame him, however him leaving for the Knicks, you can blame him.
  21. Lol if his name is anything besides Shaquille O'Neal he is out of the NBA, he has no lift at all on that hook shot and hardly ever gets close enough to the hoop to score, he can't manhandle opponents like he used to. Shaq hasn't made a team better since he won a ring on the Heat. He should sign with the Lakers just for a feel good story and log 10-15 minutes a game, he is useless now.
  22. Suns should run the pick and roll everytime down the floor. Anyways, Jackson said a similar thing to Durant to get him shook and it seemed to work, Nash is a veteran and I highly doubt what Jackson thinks.
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