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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Rondo's is more impressive to me, especially against a superior team.
  2. OTR Basketball. The reason I like this forum is because it is mainly basketball and not cluttered with all the other sports I am not interested in.
  3. I know it isn't really comparable, but I think D-Wade takes his game to an entirely different level in the playoffs compared to anyone. I can't really think of any middle of the pack player who takes his game to a new level in the playoffs.
  4. The Magic are a top 5 defensive team, statistically speaking they were probably the best team on both ends of the ball this year, hardly 'D'Antoni basketball'. All they do is spread the floor around the most dominatnt big in the NBA, I don't see how he is honestly even comparing his style to the Magic, just because they take 3's? Lol. I guess I could see the argument for the Suns, but the Magic? Not even close. This 'system' won't be successful, the Magic will probably make the finals, the Suns will lose to the Lakers in 5 games. I can't see this system being successful without a PG comparable to Nash.
  5. Well if you are the simmer, and you want to do this, let me know. I have multiple draft files I can hook you up with, would just need to be edited, but that is better than working from scratch. Also could probably find a roster file if needed. It is better than starting current, then going through 2 drafts then running out of prospects. This allows us to go over a decade of real prospects if we want.
  6. "Amar'e can say what he wants, but we talked every day to him about defense. I mean, we're not stupid. We emphasized and tried, but he wasn't ready to buy into it totally. Wasn't there an article on RealGM that said the Knicks players laughed when asked by the media if they preached or even practiced defense?
  7. Lol he is saying they are using his blueprint for their success which is not true. "They're reaffirming the blueprint that'll get us to a championship. And that's what we've got to do in New York." Maybe it is just me, but it seems like he is implying that his blueprint includes defense which in Phoenix it never did. I don't care what their defensive efficiency was, this Suns team doesn't trade possessions with opponents like the old Suns teams did. "The Spurs aren't half the team they were," D'Antoni said. "Tim Duncan isn't the problem he used to be." Again, maybe it is just me, but he is sort of discrediting what the Suns did this year. The Spurs are half the team they used to be? Don't really see it but okay D'Antoni, whatever you say. "And Alvin got him to buy in, and I think that's Alvin's strength. He got a bond with Amar'e that I probably couldn't reach, and it's worked." Nice to see he has some humility. Combine this with the players he has already run out of New York for no reason, rather than solve the issues with them, I just have no respect for this guy.
  8. I don't see why you are surprised by Brown's incompetence, Z should be getting more minutes as well.
  9. make a topic for the Cavs game tonight

  10. If we went to 98 or some [expletive] that is hardly retro, plus we could go through all the drafts again that we all see now. Re-live the era that we currently watch, that is what we are doing in my league that I help run, it is awesome. Plus we don't run out of prospects quickly either. This is the route we should seriously take. Playing with a young Kobe, VC, T-Mac, KG etc.
  11. I can help if it is an FBB league, not through simming but I can hook up roster files and draft files for the simmer to edit, rather than creating draft files all yourself. We should start in the 90's somewhere and assign teams randomly. Or just pick teams, fantasy drafts are fail.
  12. This dude needs to shut his mouth, [expletive] I hate this guy.
  13. Lol when? The dude is still dominating quietly this series and I haven't once heard him publicly COMPLAIN about the injury, just acknowledge it.
  14. Depends what it is. Also depends on the person, some friends will take better care of something that isn't theirs, at least some of my friends.... but ya I know idiots who I wouldn't let borrow a dime.
  15. It has nothing to do with who they should bring back, it is who they can bring back. If they sign major names in FA they will have to surrender the rights to their players, and in doing so won't be able to sign them to contracts that will put them over the cap. Either they will have to let these guys go, bring them back on MIN contracts, or include them in their salary cap scheme. Because if they sign a max guy, the only way they can bring back Haslem (the only guy really worth mentioning) is with a portion of their remaining cap. Also they will surrender the rights to their MLE if they use all their cap. The only way they can retain the rights to their MLE and their players, is if they initiate a sign and trade for the guys they bring in, similar to what the Toronto Raptors did the past off-season, but they don't really have the pieces to do this for a superstar like Bosh, for example.
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