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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Putting the Raptors in this topic is completely ignorant since the way Raptors are forced to conduct business is completely different than any other city. For example we could have had Gerald Wallace for TJ Ford but Wallace nixed it since he didn't want to come here. Alonzo Mourning never reported for duty here either. So many people don't want to be here, I heard we offered Ariza more money than HOU but he went there anyways. We are not a poorly managed club IMO, at least not one of the worst, sure the Hedo signing was we were forced to overpay because of our location, people don't want to come here so we have to overpay. On the other hand you just have organizations who continually fail and continually piss their players off. Clipps, Knicks (D'Antoni at least). Memphis is pretty bad too since they are always cutting costs. Atlanta used to be pretty poorly run but they have picked up the pieces in past half a decade or so.
  2. WWE are kind of dumb for putting something like this on a taped show, if anything they should have taped a segment not on the show and then just put it on last minute. Swagger cashing in backstage on him would be sick, idk the rules about money in the bank but if he cashed it in Hardcore Title style that would have been sick. And no one would have been expecting it either if it was a seperately taped segment. Still, this should have been done on Raw if they wanted to surprise people.
  3. Damn dudes, I applied to one job and got hired and haven't looked back. It is a lot easier if you are applying at a place that is just opening because they hire almost everyone then can the dumbasses after. That is pretty much what happened for me.... also I think the only way you are going to get a job is if you say you can work all day every day pretty much... Just make yourself available and follow up, idk about all places but my boss usually gives people calls after they call back and ask if he has had a chance to look over their resume. Also try and get hook ups with your friends, get them to put in a good word for you, just make sure you are worth it and don't make your friend look like an idiot for vouching for you.
  4. Do you actually like Morrison and Truth....?
  5. Swagger is, IMO, one of the best workers in the WWE, his mic skills leave a lot to be desired. I think if he had a manager he would be alot better. I still don't know if he is going to be a face or a heel or what. Who is he going to feud with? I have no idea. All I know is this guy is a great worker and can work a great match.
  6. Austin was going to be huge either way: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjSCTihe2W4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGM1o8CDLs8 This is how Austin 3:16 was born.
  7. I have worked at the same pizza place forever now, work is too hard to find these days to quit lol...... but I am raking in 11.50 an hour making pizza so I'm not gonna complain.
  8. Ya that is a major hookup on my part since it took my [expletive]ing months to find something where I could watch old episodes. if that site ever gets taken down I will go crazy. I gotta get through 2000 still and 2001, it is a major timekiller watching the old episodes lol.
  9. I am not interested in paying money to read someone's opinion lol.
  10. http://hardcoretv.info/cat/37.html Just pick the year that you want to start in, I think it has just about every episode and every PPV.
  11. I have been watching old weekly episodes of Raw is War and then the PPV's, all in order.
  12. What gives you the impression Drake's buzz will be gone by 2 years from now? Lol the kid is dropping hits left and right.
  13. I like Stillmatic better than Illmatic.
  14. By saying what? Hov is definitely in contention of best ever, but best right now is debatable.
  15. Lol at Drake being overrated, dude isn't on the level of Em/Nas/Hov etc, but he is a solid-[expletive] Rapper considering he hasn't even dropped an album yet. His [expletive] just doesn't appeal to you, he raps for the women, he isn't a hardcore rapper or some drug kingpin. He isn't even a typical rapper, he is a singer as well. I personally hate Drake but to say he sucks or is not good is just plain ignorant IMO. J Cole is better than both of these nubs though. Whether you like it or not, Drake is the future of the rap game not Cudi. I think Cudi is sick on the hook though, idk so much about his rapping though.
  16. Wrestlemania 17. Honestly any WM from 1999-2003 is probably worth the watch.
  17. The problem is there is no retribution for his (or any Raptor for that matter) actions. Management is scared to deal with any of the issues on the team, it is the same with how Bargnani is handled like a child and doesn't get benched for his lack of effort on D. It would be nice to see anyone who isn't giving 100% get the bench, we have the depth to replace guys who don't want to be on the floor. Sonny Weems can provide the same stuff Hedo has this year, nice to see his [expletive] finally on the pine. Would be nice if Bargs got sat down once in a while for not doing anything on our side of the floor.
  18. Hedo is a talented player he just doesn't give a [expletive].
  19. I thought this WM was horrid, very happy I did not pay the 60 bucks to watch it. HBK-Taker was awesomeness, I still refuse to believe HBK's last match will not be against Triple H. Orton is gonna be a pretty bad [expletive] face though.
  20. If Yao opted out I guarantee he could get a 5 year 85 million dollar deal in the off-season.
  21. Miami's future is just as up in the air as Toronto's is right now.
  22. How could they get Boozer? Do you mean with Deng or something or with cap?
  23. Bosh might be better suited to be a number 2 guy, but as I would expect you know nothing about the situation and Bosh has stated on multiple occasion he would rather be the number 1 man. It isn't about what makes sense, it is about what Bosh is thinking, neither of us know what he is going to do.
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