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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. I have been thinking about it lately more, and after the Knicks article on RGM about Walsch being hesitant to give Bosh a max deal, the Raptors might wind up with Bosh by default. I mean unless Miami is giving him the max why is he going to leave Toronto? He already said he sees no point in negotiating the number on his contract, he believes he is an auto max player. And yes Dash, I would do that deal in an instant with the Knicks pick involved. I can't wait until Bosh becomes a top 5 player because he isn't in Toronto. To the above you are [expletive]ing pissing me off, Toronto isn't going anywhere? The heat are like 2 games up on Toronto in the playoff race, give me a break dude. You act like Miami is some promiseland when all they have is Wade, Beas and trash, and nice weather. OKC is the place I would love to see Bosh go.
  2. Wade is a more dominant player thus you would prefer him. Not to mention he is a top 5 player and JJ isn't, and on top of that you can sign guys for the MLE who can hit the three point shot.
  3. I think their GM is saying that so he has trade value. If he says Arenas will not be a Wizard he has no leverage whatsoever. I think he will be playing on another team next year, possibly a team like the Knicks.
  4. He probably should because he will get a huge deal one more time before he gets hurt again.... one more major injury and this guy is done IMO.
  5. When he retires LeBron will have no one you can argue as an equal which will surely help LeBron's ego.
  6. Remember Reggie Williams in NDSL? I knew he'd be something amazing.
  7. Lol? I agree in some senses that Kobe is overrated, like as a leader for example. I didn't read the article but Kobe is still one of the greatest in the NBA ever. I think Kobe is talented as hell but the one thing that has always been missing from his game is that I do not believe he makes his teammates better compared to someone like LeBron James. I also think Kobe is one of the most overrated defenders in the NBA these days. Also Kobe doesn't 'rely' on his jumper, he just would rather take jump shots than get to the hole. This has been the case for the past few seasons. Watch highlights of number 8 Kobe, he was throwing down highlight dunks nightly. Obviously age plays a part in this but I am not convinced that Kobe is unable to get to the rack anymore, I just believe he chooses not to. It doesn't help with the paint being so clogged all the time, but still.
  8. I was gonna post this a while back, it really feels that way and when he keeps saying stuff like 'what more do you want me to do?' it pisses me off. The game against the Grizz ruined our season.
  9. Lol at Amare holding a grudge from over 8 years ago. What a baby.
  10. I wonder how Bosh will find a way to blame his teammates for this loss. 'What more do you want me to do?'.
  11. I still think this is the funniest show on TV. It is a shame I think this is the last season, some of the characters have developed poorly, especially Jim and Pam, Dwight was getting annoying too but he is kinda funny again. Michael is still the funniest character on TV today.
  12. He is worth about as much as he is getting paid, especially considering he is 30 years old now.
  13. No..... The fact that everyone puts so much stock into a TEAM award when comparing individual players annoys me, I can understand using rings to a certain extent, but some players don't get an opportunity to win a ring. People hold against players who don't win rings, I mean how long has LBJ had a 'championship caliber' cast? Does he even have one now? This is debatable. I guess I think LBJ is the best best SF ever, he might not fit the apparent definition of 'great', which I guess I can agree with.
  14. LeBron is easily the best player in the NBA now, regardless of what Monta thinks. I feel like a lot of people who say Kobe is better say it because of what he has accomplished and what he has done rather than what he is doing currently. No doubt Kobe has accomplished everything LBJ could ever want, but LBJ is currently the better basketball player, it is that simple.
  15. Taker and HBK is the only match/build up I can say I am honestly looking forward to. Batista's feud with Cena has been okay as well although Batista has basically carried the thing. I won't be buying it most likely, but I intend on watching it, what better is there to do on a Sunday night anyways? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fY9bM8kRWg Also I can't believe Jim Ross isn't calling Wrestlemania, he makes it so much better, he makes it feel real
  16. Why don't we just put the guy with the most rings at each position as the greatest at their position since that is all that matters on this forum.
  17. All I care about is the Taker-HBK match, the Batista-Cena match is okay too everything else is pretty boring. I doubt I will buy it, I might catch the stream. Oh ya I am looking forward to the MITB as well, as long as Christian wins
  18. You don't know what you are talking about, Amare can definitely contribute to a championship caliber team. I am the first to say he is overrated but he is still a really solid second option, especially alongside someone like D-Wade. Bigs who get close to 20-10 do not grow on trees.
  19. I think LeBron is number 1 and Kobe, this year, could be bunched with an assortment of guys like Wade, Durant, etc....
  20. I have believed from the start he would be opting out. He would be getting a lot of money one way or another this off-season, even a team like OKC could throw a lot of money at him in the off-season if Bosh doesn't go there. I have always believed the Knicks best scenario walking out of 2010 is with Joe Johnson and Bosh or Amare.
  21. http://lakers.topbuzz.com/gallery/d/2425-3/smush-parker-foul-full_getty-71797561jb004_bobcats_laker_2_47_22_am.jpg
  22. The only way Artest could have been a disappointment is if you thought he was a good spot up shooter, or a good shooter at all. He is shooting almost identical to his career .422 mark, which is pretty sad to begin with but you shouldn't be 'surprised'. I haven't really watched him this year, but aren't both his feet messed up? That would explain any sort of defensive deficiencies he might be having this year. The best part about the Lakers getting Artest, isn't the fact he is on the Lakers, it is the fact he ISN'T on a team they play in the post season, also Kobe can defend the worse of the SG/SF's in the playoffs if needed.
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